17D) At Risk? No n lie, openly(2,3,4) ?n the ??n?
26D) On the wing of king.....as the bird flies(4) ??o?
25A) Implement with which some cant row effectively(6) ???w??
Thanks All...
4a Ghosts---sort primarily associated with hell ? (6) ???D??
21a Its a bit of a fag being laughed at (4) BUTT???
24a One intercepting gas is a sort of thief (6)...
Ship carrying right flag (8) I had got 'STANDARD', so if elaborate is good, the 'N' is now an 'E' = _ T _ E _ _ _ _. Also the 'A' in the second clue is not a definite. Thanks.
i'd moved alongside harsh area [8] d?s????? - deserted / deserter ?
no french union leader is upper class [3,1] n?n ? non a ?
duo display piano first [4]
blockade half the political group [4]...