If anyone watched Glastonbury last night on BBC2, early, who was the female singer, dressed in T-shirt, jeans and long flowing open garment, singing "The Time is Now" - I can't think of anything else...
It's easier for me to shop online at moment, but there are so many pillows and so many reviews on Amazon, I thought I'd ask people I can trust. So, can any ABer recommend a good pillow or two?...not...
If anyone has on an SGT Bilko DVD, Season 2, episode 17 "Love That Guardhouse", please would they consider making me a copy of that particular episode, even if it means a copy of that specific disc. I...
Why are the disabled and those with breathing difficulties exempt from wearing face coverings?...I am disabled and have breathing diffs, but apart from my white stick and making loud breathing noises,...
Though this may make some of you grind your tooth, I don't know enough about Eric Clapton to know if he's either a Blues or Rock guitarist - or both! - so would a compilation album be the best idea...
This morning, one of my partner's fillings came out. She contacted dentist (or call centre?) and they advised temp filler of which none are available locally at chemist/pharmacy. Can anyone suggest a...
There is a word I am trying to remember, but I know only how it begins and ends, so are there still things called wildcards which would help me "fill in" the missing letters if I was to search on...
I've lost a Word document and can't find it anywhere and i'm sure I haven't deleted it or anything like that. I can't remember the actual exact title of the document, but there are some specific words...
In the latest novel by Jo Nesbo, The Knife, Harry Hole "does battle" with an old adversary, Svein Finne, who is now out of prison after being caught by Harry Hole, BUT...when was the first time Harry...
I have an iPhone, SE ios 13, but I don't use it as a phone - no SIM card installed - but should I be able to access the apps available?...always bearing in mind that I'm a techno-duffer of the first...
I'm trying to find the text of Roger McGough's parody poem "Stop All The Cars", but no luck yet, can any ABer help. Very Many Thanks and Do Take Care of Yourselves, Everyone on AB!...Ta Muchly....
Has anyone seen E45 Itch Relief Cream in a Tub not in a tube?...I'd have thought it would be easier getting it all out, rather than a tube being difficult at the end when nearly empty!...or does...
My partner makes a delicious spag bol, but she always makes too much, so she wonders if it would be okay to freeze what is left. She uses spag, Dalmeo (Dolmio?) sauce, onions, mushrooms and works...
FESTIVE FELICITATIONS FOR FAMOUS FIVE FABULOUS FOLK who are, Lie-in King, Buenchico, Wolf, Prudie and Pixie, who have helped to make this year a very special one for me. Plus FEATURING FURTHER...
As a side issue to Ringlet's recent post, I'm a bloke (I think) and I am losing my hair too, don't know which one, but I'm losing it and I used to have such thick long hair, but I've always struggled...