Last one -- what a struggle this week! 25 ac British heretic keeps Bible in German (8): B?V?R?A? -- I'm sure it's obvious but I'm not seeing it -- can anyone help> Thanks! Katherine
Last ones -- can anyone help? 29 ac (7): What may be first recognised as one antique bottle, just about: ??L?G?N. The only words I can find that fit are halegen, polygon and xylogen and not of those...
I'm struggling with the bottom right-hand corner still: 40 d Publisher's last letter in support of two liberals can go astray (8): ?O?L?N?? 49d Boar's belly's eaten according to Falstaff, maybe (5)...
This last one is driving me mad -- can anyone help? 19d: Fatalistic and menacing policy of discrimination by nationality? (7) N_I_I_H; thank you! Katherine
I'm having trouble with 6D -- can anyone help? `Dead, we are told, and can be eaten': (6) M?T?O?. It looks like `mutton' (though could be, say, matzoh or matzos) but can someone explain why? Thank you...
Hi, I seem to be stuck on several here; can anyone help? 6D: `Wind from behind pass' (7) B?OWO?? looks like either `blowout' or `blow-off' but I can't see why in either case. 32A: `Champion golfer...
There's just one I can't see at all -- can anyone help? It's 43 ac (7): A tribute to something impressive in Maori villages: K?IN?AS. Thank you, all the best, Katherine
Last one -- I can't see any word that fits! 1D (8 letters): Old woman's money invested in sport: G?A?D?M?. Ought to have something to do with Gran or Grandma but can't see it. Can anyone help? Thank...
Can someone explain this to me? The search facility keeps returning `No relevant questions found' -- even when I can SEE that there's a relevant question (like a question referring to a Sunday...
Once again, one last one that is escaping me -- 22A: `Lamb's quarters plump hen occupies' (two words 3,3): ?a? h_n. Can someone help? Many thanks! Katherine
The last one is driving me MAD -- can anyone work it out (& explain it to me)? 1D (4 letters): `Weight problem's eating, covered by a stroke?': s?u?. Thanks all! Katherine
Don't normally have problems with this one but for some reason I'm stuck on one: 9D: `Bait this old monk', 6 letters: ?A?M?R. Thanks for your help, I'm sure I'm just being stupid! Katherine
21 down (`family's line for right descent') is either `brood' or `blood' but I can't quite work out why it should be the one as opposed to the other -- couldn't it be read either way? Thanks!...
Hi, I'm struggling with 19 down -- maybe I've got soemthing wrong going across? Figures going round on religious teacher (7): ?ta?ets -- Many thanks! from Katherine
Hi, I seem to be stuck on just one: `He's quick to put top hat on president's head' (4, 6): ?a?e ?o?l?r. Must be missing something! Thanks for any help ...