Apologies if this has been answered before but can't see what the answer to this is. 18d Instep some chiropodist eventually attended to(7) T?L?E?S Other clue is Former people of South America Any help...
10d Publicise young woman;s narrow escape in flight(7) A?R?I?S The S is from the S in 22a which I think is MALAYSIA. 22a A place in Siam , possibly or other Eastern country(8) ?A?A?S?A Many thanks for...
4a People of republic throwing foolish ruler back in river(8) ?S?A?L?S
ASSAULTS is the only word I can see but can't see why. Any help appreciated as always....
7d Protested at pain which needle makes(two words) ??T?N?T?T?H
7a European returning to sombre surroundings(4) ??D?
As usual, any help much appreciated...