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4 The passionate desire, small insect 24 The jump farther than others,22 in a chain 26 someone left home and can't be found, high speed and bullet 30 overflowing lkast viceroy of india 34 Lost or...
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21dn - A corner store's tangled with _____ ; an error possibly! (5) ?ES?O
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Sad Chris
Help please with these last few. All songs either have a colour in title or artists name. 1. BG by MB (could be Melanie Brown) 2. WWW by PF 3.RB by P 4.LL by M 5.ITB by BC 6.DA by DG 7.UT by TD 8.BM...
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fisher &wife
100 -- SOUNDS like 2+2 ,pass item to someone i know a lot of people have put FORGIVE but we not sure it is that thank you...
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I'm stuck on the last 2 here. They are musicals and the clues are cryptic. Capital city built on them Needed to write a song...
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the clue leads to the name of a famous double act 65 Nocturnal male & bird ( 6 & 6 ) 66 use in cooking & explode found on your face ( 5, 3 & 6 )...
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15 compulsion to drive (4) ??g? 24 15 again? dream om (5) ?a?c?...
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Q addict
Cant figure out this one. 'Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum' and it's good for you! (3,3) S E A ? I ? Could it be Sea Dip/Nip? Any suggestions please.
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8 across - figure quoted in Hackney - gratis! (4 letters) *R*E. Could it be FREE? If so,why? Many thanks in advance....
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Other leg I seem to twist, performing it (9,4) ---H---M-E ---- He's no longer a person of class (6,6) ---J-L ---V-R Suffer chest itch make lively in it (11) ---o---s--- Throwing the pass, try...
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The last one! DD could have supplied taxis, it's in the tv programme set.
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4. sounds sporty - but very business like (6) 6. could be retained within (5) 12. last before bed (8) 15. wartime protection along with gas mask (3,3) 20. bell shaped for the flapper (6,3) 21. worn in...
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Sounds like pastries 9,7 > Scouse confection 7,4 > generous amount of kitchen roll? 6 > Doubloons you cannot smoke 7,4,5,7 > Supernova 9 > find them on your doorstep 4,7 > a sticky...
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5. Which historical figure has been portrayed on screen by (among others) Alec, Anthony, Robert, Noah and Bruno? 6. The movie career of which veteran Hollywood actress began with the line...
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Is it a denial? (6)
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the following fireside quiz clues all have the names or animals, insects, birds, fish etc as their answer any help greatly appreciated - the number of letters is indicated e.g. Irregular Soldier - 7...
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last week i was in the kitchen having just made some cheese on toast when it happened. i turned to the sink to get a glass and when i turned back a slice of my cheese on toast had vacated the plate...
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1d castle on border to stop illegal paintings mainly (3,3,4,4) ?O?,T?E,???T,?A?T thanks again.I made amistake first time !
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2 H of The O 2-M B,C T R B 112 K L the 2nd T A 1 H 1 N 69th i R the F i 21st C B by G D...

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