A rag-bag of ideas, too small for their own individual threads1) Since most mis-posted questions seem to belong in Quizzes & Puzzles, would it be worth putting this category at the head of...
has anyone ever asked any really stupid questions on answerbank , such as " where are my car keys " ? , if so could they please let me know as i have lost mine too .
When you click to submit a ? you are told if one similar has been asked before and given a long list of them. Perhaps they would be better served making it so that questions alredy asked CANT...
It looks like there's something going wrong in the Film & TV section - the questions are stretching across the whole page, instead of just the thin column as here. I don't think it's just...
Recurrent Problem - Innocent web-surfer puts quiz question into Google and clicks the first link in the list. He arrives in the Answerbank. He notes down the answer, clicks "Most Recent"...
I suggest banning any question containing the word pink for two weeks, no matter how many serious questions that actually cancels. Its the same pink questions every day and these people aren't looking...
Could somebody pleeeeease tell me what GAB means? Please! Put me out of my misery! And rofl for that matter. I'm no good at this 'text' speak. It took me about 4 months, before I asked someone what...
My friends 7yr old Grandson asked him "what is the meaning of life"? How do you explain this to a 7yr old? He could't as he didn't know the answer himself. Any ideas please....Spinner..