11a Move clumsily with lighter (5)B??E 14d Momentary gleam on board used to help in learning words (5+4) ?L?S? ??R? Also 23a Bear a little lower (5) ????L
27d You've put your foot in it ....seeing that the door's has collapsed (4) ??A?
Also 27a No country for old men, this: just another Irish myth! (3+2+3) ??R ?A
.O? Thanks very much....
11&12 Across Great Bear? Little Bear? After effects of big bang in the head (6&5) S?E?N ?T?R? Also 21 across Scandinavian Veg? (4) N?E? Thanks very much...
26 Down "Kids revolt against malevolent people undermining Santa" goes St Nick's nemesis (7)K?A?P?S Also 64 Across For this inventor, is the question you hear the answer in question (4) E?D? Thanks...
1 down Highlander in the hall of fame? Exclaim (5+5) ?R?A? S?O?T ........... 4 Down & 25 Across A lasting homage to Hollywood celebrities.Hands up? No not that one. Hands down. (4+2+4) ?-A?K ?F ?A?E...
20 Across A cutting from a religious passage will leave one isolated in the main (4) ?S?E 3 Down What climbers will do going up a mountain to get rid of smell (5) ?C?N? Thanks