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18a even for a little man you might not know from Adam. Isnt it there for the taking?(3-7,5)?o?,h??????,?r?i? 28a Valentino or Marilyn for the preferred old pin- up... or rather both in...
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29 Across ... What number is needed for the speed of sound? Ah 1,100 round? (4) M?C? Thanks very much...
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12 Across Computer having more than one at the critical time (6+8). . N?M?E? C??????? .....looks like Number SOMETHING. Thanks...
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1d .. likeA ghra mo chroi. Term of endearment even our man unravels(10)?a?????e?n 16d must be binding, if enforced(10)o???????e? 27d tale of a whale goin down?(4)??b? 24d ,,, like borders from East to...
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12a ...whereupon a pin is dropped when it drops here(5)?r?e?
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25a peace in Israel, so the say(6)?h???? 19d toxic, as the number suggests(8)v?????n? 16d the magnitude of it is down to infinistesimal reach(10)??s?????p?...
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4d what comes from a spur generates a spur(4)???m 3d hang on- its the addicts need we hear(5)???d? 5d must be substanial grounds for any noble crusade(4,5)????,?a?s?...
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can anyone help with this one, have p?a??m?n. Many thanks in advance.
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16 Across Less prosperous dealer in the City? (6) ?R???R 25 Across The millionaire is holding him(4) ?M?? 20 Across More than having a quick doze? (2 words 4&6) ?a?? ?S?E?P Looks like fall asleep....
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Not sure if these have been answered? 19 Down t???Y Also 24 Across One triple-G concoction? Don’t choke on the yolk, you hear! ??G?F? Thanks very much...
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23 Down First letter fixes? (2+4) A? - E??? (2+3 in the clue but it has 6 boxes) The answer looks like AMENDS) Also 29 Across -Take the rein from Rudolph (4) ??E? Thanks very much
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7 Down Harassing divorcee taken one by tax debts (9) ????T???S 6 Across Move inside hesitantly to find egg (4) ???? 17 Down Drive foreword, drag this type of apparatus. (4+4) ?U?H—?U?? Thanks very...
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13 Across .. An ardent comeback for the singer (4) ?I?A 28 Down .. British Rail could start another way out (4) E?I? Thanks very much...
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2d ... dont even bother texting to start a discussion..(6)?e?a?e 4d get set,you hear, for a hole in the earth(4)?e?r 25a big sister will always be watching(6)?a?r?n 29a its the principle, you hear for...
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20 down Delay one’s retirement (4+2) ???P UP 19 Down Not the real reason expert suffered taking time (7) P?????T Thanks...
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2 Down Unnatural being only a priest can reveal (6) ?p?i?e Thanks very much....
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1 Across Country girl crossed road (6)????A? Thanks very much...
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18a henry(1100)-------henry(1509) , call for a royal proclaimation!(4,4,3,4)???g,?i??,???,??n? 10a where clans do think ( with the head) about being brexiteers or not(8)???t?h?? 25a give it the max...
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2d a bit of music in a few words(6)?s???e 10a a faster route for the old post- by concorde perhaps(3,5)?a?,??I?n 14d twitter?yes, tweet(5)t?i?l 24d cat-o- no-tails? must be without the bare...
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22a shot on the howling prairies or in death valley , perhaps?(5,5)?o?s?,o?e?? 21a pharmaceutical boffin- head supplies the clue for the element(4)l??? 25a village schoolmaster, this is the play for...

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