Backwash two to eight cutter. (7) ??C?S?? Lethal vapour spread out from Eastern delicacy. (5) ??L?A The first letter of both clues will be the same. I also have, Weapon for male side of family. (5)...
When I enter city without a problem. (6) ?A?I?Y Easily fits but if that's correct, I can't make the connection with "city". The explanation is probably simple but can someone explain it please?...
Stuck with three. Most central to the idea of mine for reaching hotel. (4) P?T? Head on attacker after clarification. In hedge. (4) ?H?E He's quite put off by cleaning fluid. (4) ?E?T Grateful for any...
Need help with a couple, please. Tail waggled in brown sauce but not beers. (5) ??U?A I went for taking beers out of brown sauce leaving ADAUC but can't make a word. Probably way off the track! Also,...
Not sure about two answers. First of diamonds played in error, but could succeed first. (3) A?? Is it aid? She perceives about reserve and future. (7) S?E?E?S Could this be seeress? Grateful for any...
What a creature to bring into the world. (4) ?E?R Soldiers maybe, having parasite, in acts of foolishness. (6)????C? Poor out. One suffered without doctor.(?F????) Struggling with these so grateful...
Busy sorts with last of grumbles. (5) B?E?S I can't see this one at all. Busy as bees? S for last of grumbles? I'm sure my placed letters are correct. Can anyone help?
Can anyone help with these, please? Artist eating in, and so on, before meeting girl. (6) ?????R Feud, nurtured, not called for when looking back. (5)????E Frost turns red on extreme retainer. (7)...
Stuck on two to finish off. Show off Dvorak's 2nd to a relative. (5) ?A?N? Matter of island raised in Vietnamese capital. (4) I?N? Iona fits from Saigon but I don't understand the SG part left over....
One left to finish but I'm not sure of the answer. Veered awkwardly, killed in contact with Labour leader. (6) S?E?E? I'm thinking skewed with the "ed" part for Milliband. Can anyone advise, please?...
I need help with these two please. Info' drawing, not a church, has two. (6) ?I?R?? Domineering lad comes up with the bends; boots missing. (5) B?S?? I'm thinking bossy as I can see the "boy" in it...
Need help with these, please. Likely fit but of wrong size, not quite sure to succeed. (7) S?I???? Double back after single's and gives praise. (5) L???? Has to join corrupt reserve and calls to...