23a 1990s drama means nothing to german physicist on radio ???e ????? 17d explosive hub held in france say ?o?d??? 19d grant removed front of plant ?l??? 24a lightly cooked toast left out ?a?t? any...
23a informed with cold french composure ???g ?r??? 24a deal with apiece of land ?i?l? i think this might be field 17d old rebel breaks tin hooter outside ?e?t??? 19d move silently as appropriate ?t???...
5D MAKE A DIFFERENCE ????T /?n/ ?r?u?e?t 19a not able to make ones mark at the election d?s?u?r?n?????? i think i may have something wrong maybe thre u please help
23a terrrestrial or aquatic eco system such as a rainforst, tropical grassland,mangrove or coral reef b?o?e 17a ornamental carving to top a church pew or choir stall, sometimes a fleurs-de-lis pattern...