help please 22a piece of poetry in pabulum's book 4 pabulum=setter I??? iota? 33a official that binds bounder over 6 N????? 37a brown cap,scottish or french(not equal in value) 11 T?????O?N? 39a small...
thought theme might be to autumn by keats but can't get it to fit-big hints/answer appreciated
also 15a not one famous aviator,not one,develops mould 8,2 words?????RO? rot?...
help please 1a starts poem by wordsworth,beginning of same 8 5a most of roy6alty troubled by coleridge's name 6 1d humourless note on "essay" in verse... 6 2d ...a poem of note pope's ending in curse...
last few-help please 3d answer includes most of base requirements for verdi chorus ?6 ?N?I?S 23a strings,for example,recalled securing right note 5 Y???S 20d a country dismissing one suk symphony 6...
help please 10a 4th supplier of soldiers led by agamemnon 7 ??R?N?? 16a young lad seen twice in east coker 9 S?H?O???? schoolboy? 16a prize winning orthopaedic surgeons?3,4,6 the?/???E/?E???? 15d in...
help please with meaning of title also 1a top for one dining in cornwall/7 ??E???? 11a rainy weather trapped everyone,in case 6 ??L??? all something? 16a hang around.look-it's the queen!6 ??I??? 40a...
help please 4,tax calculation an awful mess?compliance limits that 10 ?????S???? 8 ill mated person in bed becoming cross 11 ??????P???? 27 chopper transported a patrol north-east 9 31 apply slap to...
help please 7a composer well-off with english investment? 5 ??I?? 8a earlier composer somewhat miscievous about a later composer 9 ????A?A?? 10a guitarist goes wild the roman way 7 ??G???? 12a noisy...
help please 9a islands forming ring-possibly a nice area 7 ????N?a 18d for instance,columba's unwilling to share 10 ???????I?E 2d provide more weapons to hold up mutineers' leader 5 ??A?? enarm? 10d...
last few-help/parsing please nb definitions may have misprint 24a soundness of ship oddly slow crossiong channel 6 SI?EN? silent? 31d rut was mined,giving least gold locally6 ?A?RST 36d ecologists not...
help re theme useful also 23a climber's average place to drop back 7 ends u 24a soundness of ship oddly slow across channel 6 starts s 29a group crossing hard stage,one in field 8,2 words ??????E? 20d...
help please-clues may contain misprint in definition 14a flexible tenures for colony's workers?7 ???T??S 22a small horn's whorl 8 ends t 12a statesman needs iron,regularly pale 5 !???? 5d after...