help please 8d man's heart turned by german girl 4 ILS? ilse or ilsa? also cant fathom the unclued-across are of one linguistic kind and down are of another which solvers must figure out 22a TE?TER...
help please anjd parsing 1a a dean koontz book cover with a characteristic style 8 ????A??? elegance? 5a a god's love returned by a goddess 6 9a adam was the first reported poet 5 ????A 12a sebastian...
help please and parsing 12a minor role of non-professionals one had rebuffed in moth out of action ?15 starts E?T?A extra? 21a stream film appeal backing european fish pickle plant 6,9...
help please 1a get on very well with old charmer?8 ??O???R? 10a no time for Bad Vibrations author 5,4 ??R??/?I?N 1d places where shakespeare may have got paid/4 inns? 3d rustic friend hosting...
help please 12a in perverted lust i grope kate nickleby's young lover?10 ?E?????G?S anagram lust i grope? 18a this writer's mature lines showing literary technique 7 I?A???? imagery? 26a what...
help please 1a knight caught by battle-axe from behind,screaming ?6 G?R??? gurkha? get hag and k but? 9a in the caribbean,steps taken to have chairman welcome doctor 5 M?M?? 3d well-built bed erected...
last few-help please and parsing 4d i'd love to start to lionize achilles,as seen by "idiot-worshippers" 4 I?O? idOL? 8d "of aids uncertain should not be admitted"but after that time was! 5...
help please 10a struggles,holding weak opinions 5 12a theory of earth's formation,terribly foggy one,lacking force 7 tried anagramming oggy one-no help 14a crazy?stick around 4 16a fine monk duly...
help please-last 2-and parsing
14a leader,not fashionable,for instance around washington,scoffs 4,4 P?T?,A?A?
puts away?
23d police force let off-that's the spirit !6 M?T?L?
last 2-help please
24a he wrote novels,but mostly plays an oboe,endlessly 4 ??A?
21d a note saying more cuts are needed!5 R???W
thanks nb 3rd letter of 21=1st of 24...
last few-help please 1a mystery writer of 19th century dictionary 7 C?????S 11a goethe play not opening gutted estonian novelist 6 A????? 2d plant books founnd in boozer,not hospital 5 ??T?? 3d when...
help please 1a what a professional soldier might expect to earn?13,2 words ??G?????????? stripes? 11a english specify new law about kitchen equipment 10 12a knight left country singer 4 E??? 16a was...