help please to get going 4a happy those people have digested short volume and article off course Down Under 2,3,5 9a aussie skipper i bowled to as english prepared drink 7,3 10a american kid on ice...
help please-each clue has 2 answers-not sure where break comes-each clue has definition and consecutive letter-mixture of the 2 solutions! 18a at christmastide,rhythmic shaking spoilt unaccustomed...
last few-parsing welcome 4d joyful girl's opening same old present again 8 ?L?D?O?? gladsome? 18a studio 51 cutting a tree in unusual shape7 A???I?? 15d brief encounter less frilly lace 8 ???S?E?s...
one more push please 50a young horselast in race,behind one of eighteen?7 starts t 57a disregard point in waiting to host meeting finally 7 H?O???? 53a cut first bit of beef joint 5 skirt?slice? 55a...
help please and parsing 16a meal ending in stomachache,two thousand cheese sandwiches!7 B?E?K?? breKKer? 7d soldier covering nice ground over the hill 7 A?C???T 23a end of flower in ageless ground...
help please to get started 1a love to get in dancing step-has dancing gear3-5 5a skilled soprano blocking very curtailed edition 6 10a some term in orchestration:description of scale 5 11a comments...
last one-help please and parsing
14a errant eleven lacking leadership-not even ready 6 A?T?A?
astray-get the ray bit-ReAdY and astray=errant but?
answer could be acronym or one of a noted foursome...
help please 11a storm dripping on island youth after return of fever 9 T???O???? 15a western asian finishes in the fosbury flop 6 ??R?E? 17a dances round circle,running,and gets puffed out? 8 ???L????...
help please-answers may be us state nicknames 27a nice pal fidgeted 7 ?E???A? 53a vice admiral reducing potato disease 5 56a spends money on model railway with central station for starters 4,3 58a...
help please and parsing 3d defeat in knockout stage? 5 F?O?? floor? 11a native girl's appearing in goal for the first time 8 I?H???N? inherent=native,has her=girl inside? 17a irritated catholic...
help please 15a silk brocade from family of old Madam?7 ??W??E? 18a sons and men repeated a line about female siblings 7 L?????? 21a fungus survived around sheets'edges,sufficient to fight 6,5-3...
help please 1a stewed pears containing sweet apple over layers of fruit 8 starts e 8a nz parrot occupying reserves approved retrospectively,about a thousand,look 4,1,5 starts t 10a it is noon and...
help please and parsing 4a scottish support that can be provided by the clans 8 ?????HE? 15a course daughter consumed in recess-it doesn't get lighter than this 8,2 words ?????DA? solar day? 21a toxic...
help please to get started 1a not prepared to support daughter before discovering a problem 8 5a fools spain's premier judge 5 15d sick over american after wrong kind of pancake 8 9a offer for...