last few 19a in other words,turntable and speaker ?R???? 20d ??R?I? hint there's a vessel coming in with food 17d as star performer in do your best 6 s???I? thanks
6d figure a consent will be wrung from her 9?????A?C? clearance? 24a getting sheep back to this fold quite quickly 8 ?V?????A not sure about these letters 16a not much to see4?N?Tpossibly 11a because...
last few 15a sarcastic about harmful mischief 7?????R? mockery? 21a point to that woman's father,a high-born guide 6 /////A 23A LINCOLN STARTS DIVING BETWEEN THE SHEETS 4 13d phone box vandalised by...
9a host holds out the coat and you take it 7S???A?A 16a stick forged notes inside:foreign 9C?????E?E 17d view as a good kitchen staple all round 7??I???T 21d not familiar with,information about is...
was doing well then ground to halt! 8a runup debts with no interest 9?N?U?I??? 9d shout orders from hallway,don't we?3,4,3,3 ???/D???/N??/??? 21a device inserted by race controller 9 ???????E? 2d...
24a says the point is against 6 A???S? 12a foreigners with roots here 6??E??? 9a are working on:aim to get in well with 6 ?N>>>R endear? 6a the cheek is tender 6??O??? thanks-on last lap!
10a a former deputy and hard to please 8 starts with v-vice something? 16a imagined nothing to be consigned to paper 3,2,3,4 third word t?? the? 13a you'd be embarrassed to make such an excuse 5,7...
now 2/3 through-need another little push! 19a burn lots of paper on street 6 ???E?? 21a briefly consider drinking wine for relaxation 7 ??T?N?? 27a i start to manoeuvre fighter plane'then charge and...
12a traffic trailing behind coaches bound for the west end?5-6????E/?T?U??queue? 24a individual follows nose when touring land,going too far?4,3,4 starts with n 5d during most of trip ,companion's...
please help last 2 so i can go to bed 1d weight one caught in trap 5 ?A?A? carat? 19d eccentric conservative has status 5 ?R?N? also wordsearch DBELIATDN THANKS
1a fly doctors to somewhere in ecuador8 ????U??? ?Quito 17d open for fun,amazingly coming upon a gun 8 ???H???? 8d do they ensure actors don't get out of line ?8 ????S??? 31a they're in store wrapped...
3d dies,being frozen 3-5 ??E-????? ice? 14a wanting to be safe i creep from it 4-6 ????-????P? 19a hat brother's doffed,seeing object of his infatuation 5-5 ???R?-?????13d film script,with...
still struggling! 25a by coming in late,rejected flat out here perhaps3-3 D?Y-?E?day? 15a go all weak-i'm an officer 4?E?T melt? but why officer/ 15d speaker understands my french in town 8 M???????...