My crossword solving powers seem to have deserted me at the moment, hope someone can help with these clues. TIA. Clue 1: Is it difficult to make a stand from here? (2 words) E?A? ????? Clue 2: Stress...
Help would be appreciated. TIA. Clue 1:Body of inhabitants found it in the Channel Islands, half a dozen by the railway ?I?I?E?R? Clue 2: Was successful putting a horse. say, inside truck ?????N Clue...
Help please. TIA. Clue 1: Swiftness, it eludes vegetable ?E?E??. Clue 2: 'Tabby' C?T?A?E. Clue 3: Czech composer encountered one in South Africa S?E?A?A.
This is my last clue in crossword and I am really struggling. Hope you can help. Clue: Formerly coming from town of a prosperous residential area. E??R?A? TIA.
Would be most grateful for any help with these two very difficult cryptic clues, been trying for hours: 1.Cast aspersions upon almost anything, especially efforts ?E?E?R?T?. 2. As can usually be...