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Assuming, for agument's sake, that Ms Temple didn't give the deputy prime minister a good nuzzling on the basis of his debonair charm and good looks, what is it exactly that women find irresistable...
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What happened to the threads about the BNP? Did someone object to the truth then?
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Does the panel think that Prescot's affair gives hope to fat ugly blokes everywhere?
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Dom Tuk
2 jags now has been caught with his pants down. Affair with secretary since 2002, trysts at a secret flat......and he is the deputy PM. Shameless and morally corrupt this whole labour govt has...
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So Charles Clake (home secretary) has today admitted than 1023 foreign prisoner held in UK jails have been freed between 1999 and 2005, without being considered for deportation. They include child...
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Stone throwing yobs pelt a man's house and him. They taunt him for weeks and when he chases them away with a sword, guess who the Police arrest? How long do you think it will be before the public say...
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hiya has anyone ever heard of walker and hammond i have been looking for a loan and have a poor credit history i spoke to a company called best for loans and they put me through to walker and hammond...
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Hi I'm being charged for not paying a bill by dd, it was ?2.00 a month and its now gone upto ?4.00. I don't want to pay by dd as a) i don't trust the compnay to collect the right amount and B) they...
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Does anyone know who the lady was (dressed neatly in black with a light blouse) who walked with her arms by her side beside (behind) the Queen throughout the 45 mintues. Was she a protection officer?
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Having received my voting for for May, I was doing some research on the different parties and what they stood for, I am not really up on politics so I also asked a few friends their oppinions. Whilst...
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If a tree falls and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound???
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No I had never heard of their dispute before either! Now just as my son is sitting his finals after 4 bloody long years of hard slog he learns that the exam papers are to be stockpiled as they are...
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Sensible answers only please. What would be the most likely outcome IF the BNP won an election and came to govern the UK?
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So another car factory closes with the loss of 3000 jobs, I lost my job last year with the closure of our pottery industry and my daughter has had her notice from the NHS where she has just compleated...
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I see George is in the headlines again for crashing into parked cars . Surely he can't be doing this for fame? Is his career over ?
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Can anyone explain to me especially people who live in the london area why you there are no doctors surgerys to join ,My sister phoned her drs for appointment for worrying problem told she had been...
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what do you think? - Although I feel 'sorry' for Ryan Wilson - I am surprised that he is going to clain compensation from the drug company.. "He is chasing compensation from drug test company Parexel...
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So one of our own judges has ruled we have to give council houses to migrants. Why do we constantly shoot ourselves in the foot? The rest of the EU must be pi55ing themselves. It's on the front of the...
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Hi guys, this is part of an essay. The majority of you undoubtedly read newspapers or watch a news programme on television: do you think Islam (and the Middle-East) is portrayed in a fair and...
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How did the British press come to be so left wing?

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