Has anyone heard of a "waspinator"? My local pub has lots of trouble with these collecting under the eaves and the owner is at his wits end about how to get rid of them. Someone suggested...
23d "Balls familiarly having twitch ,front to rear regulation" " *d*c* (5 letters) Surely its EDICT - I see ED is BALLS and Edict is roughly Regulation but the rest of the clue defeats me. Last one -...
21/24 "Stupid subaltern's a mug" (8.6.). Have " --b-r-u- m-g-u-" Looks like "Tiberius Magnus" but thats not quite an anagram. Help required to finish this puzzle, please.
Last one ! 20a. "Summer in Paris in clubs, right new tie being worn with others" (2,6) Have " -o -e-e-i" Apart from french for summer "ete" and an anagram of "tie" I'm stumped! Help please.
Stuck on two .25a &21D.:- 25a Tree,not from the east, in town with stress,so to speak - - - t - n 21d Any use playing with crowned head? u - e - - - Help appreciated
One clue left to do. 24d. "Straw makes it easier to separate Brenda from fool" Have got " S-C-" Possibly "SACK" (Straw connection - but nothing to do with the Queen). Help please !
13d - last one - "Strip out of clothing - in case I decrease in importance" -R-V-A-I-E Must be "trivialiSe" or "trivialiZe" but which - and why ? ("case I" seems to be triali - but can't work out the...
Last one! 13a "Settled into a self-made bed ?" (4.4) -a-d t-e -r-c- I assume it is "paid the price" and it accounts for "settled" but what about the self-made bed? ( maybe paid fthe price for your own...
I have worked out that the theme is the eight coloured balls used in the snooker at the crossword title 'Crucible'. Can anyone help with the two unclued ones 7 & 20 down? Thanks for any suggestions.