An old lady has a little win on the lottery and decides to get a tattoo of her favourite singer Elvis on the inside of her thigh. The tattooist goes to work and when he's finished asks the lady to... ...
1st Prisoner."do you want to buy a ticket for the warders ball" ?. 2nd Prisoner. " Nah thanks I can't dance" 1st Prisoner. " It's not a dance , it's a raffle... ...
I live in the Pennines where it gets a bit windy at times. Every year I put my hanging baskets outside the front door and every year the wind breaks so many of the trailing plants. Can anyone... ...
If I buy a second Wifi router extender will it boost my Wifi signal even further. ie, Router in the spare bedroom to Wifi extender in the kitchen to wifi extender in my shed. Thanks.
1st guy " I call my wife strwberry ". 2nd guy " why do you call her that "?. " because she's perfectly formed, gorgeous and is so sweet" 2nd guy " I call my wife blueberry " 1st guy "and why do you... ...
Paddy. "What's in the sack Mick" ?. Mick. "Rabbits" Paddy. "How many rabbits you got then Mick" ? Mick. "If you can guess how many rabbits in my sack I'll give you both of them" Paddy. " Three... ...
I'm typing a letter with my computer on "Open office" and I needed to put the date on it (ie, May 1st). The abreviation "st" after the number 1 shrank to half it's size and now all the letters... ...
I going to Thailand/Vietnam in a few weeks and was thinking of buying a new mobile phone while I'm there. When I bring it home and put my sim card in it will it work in the UK ?.
Last night I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a big chicken and I met a gorgeous woman dressed as a giant egg. In answer to that age old question . . . It was the chicken.