Can anyone give some illustrations of what benefits Brexit - with and without a deal - the average British citizen will hopefully notice and enjoy when it goes ahead?...
Is our healthcare system. Check out this video, yes it's 11 minutes.
Happy this,
Happy that,
Happy the other....
Cobblers to all of it.
Not in the best frame of mind at the minute I'll admit!
But cobblers anyway!
Fathers day?
FF S!...
You boil an egg on top of the stove in a pan. The egg doesn't crack. So effectively, you've put some boiling water in a pan with an egg.
Do you wash up the pan, after the egg has boiled?...
My woman's PC has an issue. Froze a couple of times and needed turning off. A preliminary examination using Speedfan indicated a temperature problem. I've just opened up the side, vacuumed it out...
Sometime today NASA will be releasing images of Sagittarius A, the black hole at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy. (No Mars bar jokes please). Brilliant science to gather and correlate the info...
I see that the Turpin parents have decided to do the decent thing at last & are going to plead guilty at their forthcoming trial.
Does anyone have a recent update on the thirteen siblings?...
An intriguing case has arisen in Canada. A woman stole a credit card and used it to buy a lottery ticket. The ticket then won £29,000 prize. The lottery company say that only legally acquired tickets...