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anotheoldgit Whilst not condoning this behaviour by a certain few, LBC radio...
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Hope you both have a lovely time for your anniversary over there in Munich knowing that little stinkit is being well cared for here,it's previous I know but I've decided I won't be posting weekends on...
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1. Necessities for family holiday; to keep your list in ( 6 letters) 2. and to call one one (5) 3. Abandon reservation (5,4) 4.Omitting guy (8,4) 5.Digital Colours (5,5) 6.Patchy Nod- WindBlown (4,5)...
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We have seen them getting away with blocking the streets and generally causing trouble but what do they want? There have been no specific demands and no ideas about what they want the government to do...
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Here's a live map of all the thunder strikes:: .... I say it's live, but there's a delay of a few seconds. I'm right on the edge of the recent...
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1st sighting 9 58 pm for 6 mins WSW departing E 2nd sighting. 11 35 pm for 6 mins. W departing E ....
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My best friend has just txt me about her weekend and her non existent sex life and I’ve replied, basically sympathising and agreeing, with a tad more detail....... but I was trying to multi task as...
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I'm a true Royalist but only for those that work ,I.e Her Majesty at 93 does an amazing job and the only foot wrong was her misjudging the mood of the country ( Dianagate) The old Duke was never...
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webbo3 They weren’t forced to walk away, they chose to, and is it the end of the world if they got splashed with champagne.?...
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Have you ever met anyone who boasted about their life – and you subsequently discovered they were trying to pull the wool over your eyes? We met a couple on holiday once…. she was ‘in fashion’...
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If so I hope the Spectator will forgive me and see this as a useful plug. This is a winning entry in a competition to write a poem with an "ingenious twist at the end"": "I’m honoured as a lifelong...
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Lie-in King
No spoilers from me... What a fantastic example of a sporting tournament, played down to the last ball. Well done to England & New Zealand for a fantastic, enthralling final. Sip....
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I have tried with two different visa cards to tax my car today and it says the cards are invalid.I know they are not as I use them often and they are in date. I normally do it this way what is going...
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. . . which, according the assessment at the end of the quiz, makes me 'clumsy', rather than 'inept'. (I think my metalwork teacher at school would have preferred to use [i]both[i] adjectives to...
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anotheoldgit How can that be when she herself is a senior police officer and also...
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When is someone (ideally it should be her husband) finally going to stand up to this woman and say “No!”?...
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.... do to folk?.... ;-) Reading TTT's post about the lottery winners I see they can't find their "friend John" who bought the winning ticket for them because he's moved.... "up North". I'm listening...
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Why do these “celebs” be such a pain and think they are funny, This is just from watching Tipping Point Lucky Stars today with Alan Davies, Sally Phillips and Dr Ranji Singh, Sally Phillips the...
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Years ago Terry's made a small mint flavoured bar called Bitz and under their own brand Sainsburys had a proper sized one that was the very same stuff. Then both disappeared at about the same time and...

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