I love the irish accent. You can't beat the blarney of the irish men. Also have a thing for the italian accent love it when they are trying to speak english .What are your faves ? thanks.
If You could see yourself as a charchter in Friends , who would it be and why . Im like Monica , totally obbsessive with the little things and like everything in its right place , oh and a chef ..lol...
Fantastic movie! Much better than the awful sequal. - but what on earth happens in the end ......? When Hunt gets captured by Owen, Owen shoots his translator under the mask of Hunt's girl. Any one...
Shevchenko has revealed he is considering leaving Milan this summer citing family reasons{yea right} Ballack is in no doubt as to joining chelsea Carlos Tervez If the above join chelsea, are they home...
who is the most famous person you ever met (you have 2 hav met them, not just seen them) what did u/ they say? mines david beckham. i met him at a testimonial bout 10 yrs ago. i was 9 and i just...
This is not a quiz or a puzzle - its a bleeding miracle!!! Slag all you like but I am so proud for our boys - at long last.The best things are worth waiting for! No smart alec responses please - we...