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Smells: What is the one thing that turns your stomach and the one thing that you could sniff all day? My favourite is babies straight out of the bath and I can retch if I walk past a butcher's...
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If you could have some free plastic surgery, what would you have done if anything?
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Dan Glebitts
What was the last thing that made you really happy? Can be a list of things eg. A good book, meeting an old friend, winning the lotto...wot?
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I am just looking for a public definition of what people consider assertiveness and what people consider to be bossy. What defines them for you? What seperates them?
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Well, that got your attention! Do you sleep walk or sleep talk? What's the strangest dream you have ever had? I once dreamt that I was really late for work, jumped out of bed and got into the...
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We have just watched a funny film, yours mine and ours and was just wondering what family films you all liked ? I love et , finding nemo and the lion king ,anymore favourites ? thanks
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walcott & lennon up front instead of bent & defoe . Hargreaves in midfield . has he completly lost the plot?
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if I am still banned?
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stemming from the attractive or not really post below who are your top 5 people/celebs/abers who you find attractive in looks way and in personality way .
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If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
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i have thought about this question for a long time now. What i want to know is, do men really find women, (who i consider to be incredibly false,) such as Jordan,Jodie Marsh and Pamela Anderson...
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Im 38.How old are all of you - and no fibbing!!
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What is your ideal type?
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im going to live life on the edge and do this for the second night in a row :))) x
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which team do you think is going to come out on top this year? Anyone think it will be a suprise team that wins?
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Name the manager who has won the most games at World Cup finals tournaments. Thanks in advance
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Most people on this site would say football was their favourite sport but what is your second favourite?Mine is tennis.
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Dan Glebitts
what was the last item that you bought that made you feel good? The last thing I bought was a pair of jeans form TK Max and im really pleased with 'em.
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Anyone seen it yet?
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What's the worst film you've ever seen? Last night I watched a film called Shark Attack 2! It was absolutely terrible! Please watch if you want a laugh! Going to rent Shark Attack 3 now! Quality...

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