14a. south american people 10 letters. u - - - u - y -ns 18d. peerlews, lone. 6 letters. - - - - u- 15d. modernising, revamping. 8letters. - - - - - - -n - 24a. legally held for safe keeping 2 and 5...
Hi Can anyone help with these questions about the 00's Its song titles;- The group is C C - the title is S T F - I don;t have any number of letters though the other one is T K - and the title S T M...
PLease can anybody help with my last clues; 2d- Make more attractive - 7 letters S-E-T-N 8D- Comedian who has appeared on Just a Minute - 5 letters L-A-- 12a- 9 across (Merton) always seemed to be...
I am tired. Its getting late. I haven't had anything to eat yet and can't until I get some answers to this puzzle I have stared mind blank at this piece of newsprint for long enough I admit defeat I...
6d island country (10) -e-c---l-s 24d italian city (5) p-r-a 25d cosmetic oil (6) -ojoba 61d very bright (9) -r-l-r-n- 85a japanese dish cooked at table (8) s-k-ya-i 41d professional soldiers (12)...
I don't find this easy at all perhaps its me. Stuck on 1a/ C D 's launch time ( 7. 4, ) ? E ? D ? ? ? / D ? ? ? ? 6d/ Breakfast - table holder ( 5, 4, ) ? ? A ? T ? ? A ? ? 18d Persistent unfocused...
cannot get my heaad round it at all today, so I need a load of help. 1d Culturally Relevant 10l m - i - - - r - - - 4a forceful and positive 8l - m - h - - - c 11a in a picky way 11a - - l -c - - - e...