You have traduced my name.Cast aspersions upon my integrity..and your interference,was..well..v.noisome..unsolicite d..why do you constantly interfere..? I expect no less than a full...
http://www.theanswerb.../Question1102526.html following on from prev question about the menu to serve to friends, well it went well and i have seen them a couple of times since and they are still...
I finished this (big deal, I hear you say) but 13 across "Noted potter in house", I have VIRGO as the answer. Virgo is an astrological house, but apart from that, the noted potter bit has me...
I've got a new phone and it has a melody on it that i can't get out of my head. It's a well known song from an opera - sung by a man or even a group of men i think. Very loud and robust (almost like a...
Last one. 43d Sort of ballot that's a point of controversy (8). _O_T_A_L Seems to be football; anagram (sort) "of ballot". Can't associate with rest of clue. Help please. Thank you.
8a; star we're looking forward to seeing 9 ????????? 10 a; had learnt about central part of area 9 ????????? 21a; traditional place of worship in the east 8,6 ???????? church 24a;...