Hello, Quick today and have the four joined words:- Stick Insect....Alms House......Neck Lace......but is the last one Thorn Apple or Apple Thorn??? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
First sign of winter here on the Plain this morning it has been snowing since about one but thankfully it's not laying. I hope you all have a good day.
12a] Paying back for flattening. [7,4] ?????N? EVEN. 16a] Inside out - how surprising! ???L. 1d] At this point, before going to hospital. [4] ???? 2d] Dodges questions about the kiosks. [6] ?????S...
Klanfield in the news again // Police stressed it was an isolated incident // They are having a few of these isolated incidents at Klanfield // It is the third incident of this kind in a few months at...
19d.Having nothing to do with former England cricketer(7)?O?C?T?
54a.set of four musical notes(6)T?T?A?
30d.penalty points leading to discretion(7)
34d.major vessel reversing into that road. Aorta?...
I'm stumped with 4d deranged(6) r-s-n-. 46a cars going round bends(4) -r-s.
Also is 52a streamer, ship carries right pennant(8).
Many thanks for any assistance....
Last two. 18a An educational establishment in California. (8) ?t?n?o?d and 38a Spanish phrase meaning "See you later" (5/5) hasta/?u?g?. Thanx in advance.