Stuck on two, and its almost lunchtime!! Can you assist please? 27 across. Last minute energy by doctor volunteer taking two hearts. (Two words, 8 and 4 letters) E-E-E-T- --U- 22 across Daft, callow...
Answers are a type of headwear. Still struggling with this quiz as several answers could be the same. 16 Great in Early 20th Century (6) 44 1920's Revival (6) 50 Lots of Material Here (6) Thanks in...
18a) A vast sum of money for this sauce(4) ??n?
18d) A white sauce flavoured with cheese(6) ??r?a?
21d) Performed better tahn musically(7) O?t?a?r
Thanks All....
9d Continuous onslaught almost can't hurt Aden. C-N-O-A-E, I have cannonade, but can't get the wordplay! OK, 1st 3 letters of CAN't and ADEn are in answer, but how do you get NON from hurt? I'm sure...
44d - Search around for type of polecat (60 ?e?r??
55a - Irreverence is academic, whichever it goes in (9) ?r?f?n???
thanks for some help and an explanation...