Hi there can anyone remember a few years ago Dervlia Kerwin ( star of ballykissangel ) was in a christmas tv prog where she was dressed as a elf and Im sure that it was set in a dept store. Can anyone...
my wife is doing a secret santa where she works and has to buy a present for a work mate who name begins with K , so the present has to begin with K. she can only spend between ?5-10 max. all we can...
Does anyone know where I might buy a good clear umbrella, without a coloured strip around the bottom? One of the more dome-shaped ones? Though not Ebay. Thanks
Ok i know there are a lot of age gap questions on here! Speaking from experience i used to go out with a guy 16 years older than me...it didn't work!! Anyway my mate who is 26 has met a guy who is 19,...
This is pretty funny, just put in your name and post the first answer you get......no cheating now www.thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi I got ..... splash pixi all over (ooerr) lol
SPEEDING POINTS how many speeding point plus fine would i get when travelling in a 40 mph dual carriageway when i was travelling at 68mph alreadly got 6 points ????
What constitutes a long Term Relationship? Is there a benchmark? A test point, a set of events that have to be shared, experienced. I only ask out of curiosity, as this last Friday I employed a 16...
Has anyone seen any cow-print socks? Am after just plain women's ankle socks (not slipper socks or toe-socks), with a cow style pattern on them. Can't find any anywhere!
Well, I like to give every new series a chance,but this one beggars belief;what a load of old crap. It seems that if you have famous names(French & Saunders) involved,the TV companies will tolerate...
Do they not sell any toys from Button Moon? Can only find posters, t-shirts, and of course the DVD's. I was hoping to find some litte toys or something like there are for Bagpuss and The Clangers etc
Does anyone have a recipe? Have only found one on a messageboard on the Daily Mail website, and apart from that can only find ones with American measurements. Thanks.