its saturday afternoon and its about 90 degrees heer. its scorching ive just been fior a few beers with my mate and im gonna go for a few more and maybe a few southern comforts too. what are you up to...
If you could invite 2 ab members, 2 famous dead people, and 2 alive famous people who would you pick and who would fry the burgers :))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What was Alexander Litvinienko's job when he worked for the K.G.B? I saw on television that he was employed to undertake "ex-judicial killings" is this true?
who was the last person you told that you love them ? who was the last person that told you they love you ? i told my kids to day they said it back to me xx
is it this one, the one who lasted 5 weeks, the one in between this one and the one that lasted 5 weeks (she lasted six weeks but my 6 key doesn't work) or the original one, she of the sense of humour...
Why does sex hurt so much? It feels like I have a knife being twisted inside me and that's before it's even started to move! This was only my second time so will the pain go? All my other friends say...
Does anybody know of a website where you can type in a dream you have had and it will interpret it? I had a very strange one last night and woke up crying! I can remember preety much every detail and...