While flicking through the channels love island appears,my first experience of this,surely there is something wrong with our mentality in excepting this krapp on our screens,and yes I know that there...
Is it just me who thinks she is so mesmerizingly beautiful, she's like a moving work of art? I stare at her on BGT, and am just amazed how one woman can have everything - her hair, her skin, her eyes,...
I am enjoying the re-runs, never watched it regularly the first time around.
It's a serious joy being reminded what a goddess Courtney Cox was, and indeed still is!!!...
When I read this I was in disbelief, I just couldn't get that some still believe you can change the way someone is born in this day and age, it's just disgusting and inedible. Just who are these...
https://citizen.co.za/news/news-world/1945715/miss-america-pageant-bans-swimsuits-and-judging-contestants-on-appearance/ Good news for fat feminists everywhere: you can enter the contest and, rather...
....In Formula 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/42890261 "While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 grands prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4677058/One-million-people-gather-London-UK-s-biggest-Pride.html Perhaps in those countries that are not so acceptive to homosexuality, but surely there is now...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4148038/PE-teacher-31-affair-15-year-old-schoolboy.html If it had been a male teacher, I am sure that he would have been sentenced to a lengthy prison sentence,...
...and move parliament to manchester.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-37320450 makes sense doesn't it? the current building is falling down but if sold to developers it'd be worth...
For historic sexual abuse against a then 13 year old boy. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3425077/Police-probe-claims-Served-star-John-Inman-sexually-assaulted-13-year-old-schoolboy-1970s.html...
just curious, but what do people think of it when people refer to 'falling in love' with their babies, children and their close family member?? obviously they don't mean in a romantic way but i always...
A young lad in our office at work said this then there was the usual discussion about racism. I wondered what others thought. If it was a just a personal preference for sexual attractiveness like for...
How cool is this guy ... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-33741380 Every year, he takes part in the Pride Parade ... on his mobility scooter !! He carries a banner saying " I'm the oldest...
The last one has vanished from 'latest posts.' So here's a new one for you all to get stuck into. Play nice. Love Cupid04. xx Just follow with a song or lyric. Stars shining bright above you Night...
To fall in love with someone you don't find physically attractive? I never have. So that begs the question, is love (romantic love that is) nothing more than a sexual urge? Just curious what others...