We are off to stay at Patong Beach in February. Can anyone tell me the best places buy Pandora-tyope bracelets (good quality, not tat), real leather handbags (shop probably?) and cheap DVDs. Thanks...
Hi My car has broken down on holiday. Has anybody any experience of using Green Flag - will I have to travel back with it if it has to be recovered? On holiday with two cars - my partner, upteen...
My second son has had his car written off. Youngster lost control on a bend, car came off the road and slammed into my son's car, parked completely off the road in a driveway. Both cars caught alight...
Hi everyone. Im doing some research on behalf of my Dad and would welcome people's opinion or assistance. My Dad who has been a taxi driver for some 20 years has recently been involved in a car...
Hi, Im thinking of taking a weeks holiday in the Boston area this coming October. (Travelling from Shannon, Ireland) I would appreciate any help in planning what to do and where to go in...
Received "Notice of Intended Procecution" about a crash which I did not have. The "Keeper Statement" does not appear to give the option of "no idea". How should I reply?
My husband has a longstanding love affair with France. He is now suffering from Motor Neurone Disease and would dearly love a holiday in Provence. He has booked a Gite in Provence in late May, but as...
I damaged someone's wing mirror today but I was driving my friend's car so the insurance is registered in their name, is this illegal? I would have willingly just paid the driver for the wing mirror...
I have always wondered how the system works when a person has a car that is 'paid' for or 'subsidised' by the D..W.P. Department of Works and Pensions. E.G. do they get the car for free or financial...
Husband has third party insurance on my car. An accident (with witnesses) has written my car off - not my husbands fault. My husbands insurers have told him we have to do the work and chase the other...
Someone hit the back of my friends car and the guy who banged into her wants to do it privately but am I right in thinking she still has to tell her insurance company?
Someone hit the back of my friends car and the guy who banged into her wants to do it privately but am I right in thinking she still has to tell her insurance company?
people who screw the system really ass me off. my neighbours bfriend allegedlly has a back problem and gets benifits and a brand spanking new car. yet he jumps over the stair gate to scream and shout...
I am planning trip to orlando in 2009, this is the first time to the USA. Any tips greatly received: I amm planning to go for 14 days Thinking about going in May or October (need weather to be not too...
I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of a dull thud... (8:00 am) but thought no more about it until I went into my local chemist at lunch time to collect a prescription, came back out and saw - to...