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"day off"

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I'm knackered after a busy week, having a quiet one with a stash of munchies. Seem to have become quite addicted to Celebrity Big Brother so tuning into the double eviction. Can hear one of the cats...
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It's Friday (No it's not crackerjack) and it is the start of the weekend for you and at 06.00 the start of twelve day's off work for me. Hospital this afternoon hopefully no probing fingers to look...
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It's Friday (No it's not crackerjack) and it is the start of the weekend for you and at 06.00 the start of twelve day's off work for me. Hospital this afternoon hopefully no probing fingers to look...
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I know for most working people Friday would be your favourite, end of the week & all that but what about you who have retired what day is your favourite? Mine is Monday - Slob out day for me, no...
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Has anyone ever had the dye test done to see if their tubes are working properly? What was done?
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So, how will your day pan out tomorrow? Do you have a set routine or play it by ear? Lay it on me, whatcha gonna be doin? Mine will be...up at 7ish with Mini Boo to open presents, she's been warned...
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I feel there are hates everywhere about Christmas. For me, I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas coz its the time of the year where all the families get together to sing, eat and enjoy every minute...
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Up and at em, what have you all got planned today then, I shall be writing a song for TTFN, that shouldn't take long.
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We have recently started working Sundays. Before this I used to have saturdays and sundays off. Now every three weeks I have to work a Sunday so get Friday and Saturday off and then work Sunday the...
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Where are you all then?
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home alone for Christmas Day and if so, how do you feel?
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A request to all ABers, when writing a thread could you please use the verb to HAVE and not the verb to OF I have you have he/she has we have they have Sounds much better than: I (could) of you...
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How many hours a day / Week do you spend on C.B.? & why?
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Hope the sun shines in your neck of the woods. Have a great day all. Ps... What on earth am I doing up at this ungodly hour?...
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http://www.dailymail....cratic-directive.html This has nothing to do with cost cutting and everything to do with ethos. We have one of the worst cancer survival rates in Europe simply because the...
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Giving myself the day off tomorrow, had enough this week, I shall go shopping for something nice to wear to a party on Saturday night. What would you do if you were your own boss?
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My lass has been in her first ever (proper) job interview for 12 mins now, she was a nervous wreck, and it seems as though she's passed the butterflies on to me because I feel really nervous for her...
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Good morning from a promising day here in the eastern shires. Off on the bus today to Skegness with my cousin for an OCO - Old Codgers Outing! Walk on the beach, couple of pints and fish and chips,...
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AB Editor
Good morning, what have you got? Ed. PS. I also have a spring in my step....
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i am making a ham and leek pie tomorrow,i have the shortcrust pastry out of the freezer,ham in pot which i am making ham and pea soup first,thing is what gravy di i put in the pie with the ham and...

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