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"rent property"

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Just accepted an offer on my house. Now I need to find myself a home. If I cant find one after say 2 months, will I become homeless if the solictors have done their bit for the 3rd party?? Or can I...
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Yet again, I've read about the sickening house price rises which I'm fed up of seeing as 'good news'; it's a disaster for us. Has anyone had experience of buying a half share (ie with a housing...
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I have recieved a copy of my grandfathers claim and have appointed a solicitor. They are claiming that my grandfather at the time of the transfer was suffering with a disability because he is of...
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I hope someone can help with this. My friends Mother divorced 20 years ago and as part of the settlement got to keep the family house. She then remarried and bought a new house with her new husband as...
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Was watching a lady on a local station Stephen Nolan - I love him cos he represents Northern Ireland's problems. A young mother with twins (I think) aged 3 is finding extremely difficulty living on...
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Hi all, I am in desperate need of some help.. We have a two bedroom house and my son and daughter are currently sharing a room. Our girl is 10 and little boy 7 this's becoming a problem!...
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just watched it last night ( pay or we..ll take it away ) elderly british couple from london worked all their lives untill recently then welfare cuts came in last year, bailiffs called to the old...
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absolute tragedy totally avoidable, after reading the story and the comments below it.....
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My friend rang me this morning to tell me her son was in £1600 arrears with rent and is to be eviicted is there anything they can do. They have not got that amount of money....
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask but if you rent from a private landlord and claim housing benefit as your a pensioner is it paid directly to the landlord or to the tenant to pay the...
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Just had a bailiff at the door looking for my landlord - apparently ha has been paying the mortgage on our house. Feel sick, I could cry!
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If they are stupid enough to take part in a CH4 documentary about benefits they deserve to be belittled!...
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Hiya So I moved out of my student house in June, been chasing to get the deposit back for ages. Now the landlord is saying the need proof of payment from the tenants as some payments aren't showing up...
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Does the bedroom tax apply to people who own their own homes and are on benefits?? or is it just people who live in council / housing association? properties thanks...
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MPs are now allowed to keep their expenses SECRET..Will i be allowed to keep my earnings, and tax information secret secret from the government , or will Ibe committing an offence?
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We will be coming back to live in the UK after a long spell abroad.We will be looking for a property to rent. If a landlord ask for references who do we get references from,do relatives count? Also...
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What are there any pitfalls? Are they any different to private tenants? All experiences would be welcome, thanx...
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Hi , I m moving to Dorset next year and need a four bed house with a small amount of land for my chickens and my vegetable growing . Can anyone suggest where i can find something like this as im going...
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I am renting out my house and the tenant has just been made redundant. He has only been there less than a month! I know he is obliged to pay the 6th months, and has a guarantor, but is he allowed to...
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my wife and I had a joint 105% mortgage (?85000), we got this just before the Credit Crunch in late 2006. the flat was ?80,000 and we spent ?5000 on decor etc. 2 months ago she walked out on me, the...

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