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Just really want some advice please. We currently own our home(mortgage)which is a ex local authority property.My hubby is being made redundant at the end of Sept,basically we know we're not going to...
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If your house is empty do you have to pay council tax? My house has been empty for nearly a year now and they are saying that I have to start paying council tax, £100 per month even though it is...
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Hi! We purchased a new build house in Nov 06. We have been approached by a solicitor for the water board asking us to sign a deed of easement so they can have access to the main drain in th centre of...
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I cannot help thinking that prices may come down even further - what with the VAT increase in December and then higher taxes on the cards for next year. I have to buy a house in a region I do not...
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Can anyone explain what this is and how it works in relation to a loan secured on unregistered land? Can you explain the positions of both sides and the enforcibility of the debt etc. Thanks.
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if you split up from someone that you have made a will with, does that will become null and void or do you have to pay to change it or write to the solicitor saying you no longer want things to stand?
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A married couple have everything in joint names. If one dies, does the survivng partner continue to have access to things like the joint bank account? How do you cover this and other similar matters...
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if I own a house prior to marriage, not the matrimonial home does my wife have any claim over it in a divorce. She has never made any contributions to this property in any shape or form ?
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A Charge was placed no my previous property (it's a long story!) and registered via HM Land Registry. I was told it would be actioned and will come into effect on exchange of contracts and taken from...
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I love Tiggy
I have been with my fiance for seven years now and really don't want to be with him, through arguments, upset etc. We are living in a house which is owned 100% by me, does he have any rights to be in...
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my partner and I are splitting up he wants to move away, the house and mortgage is in his name. I am going to buy him out pay off his mortgage and take a new mortgage in my name. The house is worth...
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Probably a stupid question but say if a piece of property is vacant with no tenant, does the owner of the property still have to pay the expenses of the property like council tax etc. even though they...
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I am considering putting my sons names on my house deeds can you explain the procedure and how much it will cost
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Slick Click
How do I update my name and add my husband to the deed to my house? I reside in the USA. TY in advance!
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As a non resident of australia (i.e. i hold no visas) is it possible to buy an apartment in Melbourne Australia? I have heard about gaining FIRB approval. If i got this approval, would i then be able...
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one side of my house is on my neighbours property.when i was not in he drilled and fixed trellis and a gate post to my house wall. can i take it down .or what can ido
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ive just bought a flat and I havent moved in yet i intend to let it out ive installed sky and a telephone and furnished the flat ready for tenants - but ive somehow just got billed for council tax but...
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  My house has a 99 year lease. Call me green but when trying to explain to someone what this meant, it bacame apparent that I didn't really have a clue. Can anybody explain?
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ToraToraTora An actor is given what he must believe is a prop gun, fires it, kills someone. Prosecute the person who gave him the gun, maybe, but the actor? I... ...

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