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"day off"

What is the A3P3 gun that the police are going to be given in this country

asks Woolley: A. At the moment, it's not at all certain that the police in this country will get the A3P3. Q. What is it A. It's a non-lethal 'supergun' that has been developed in the US for01:00 Wed 11th Apr 2001

Why is the popular image of Jesus inaccurate

A. The traditional long, thin-faced, blue-eyed and fair-haired image of Jesus popularised by Renaissance artists is actually a 5th century creation. By this time Christianity was firmly established01:00 Mon 09th Apr 2001

What s new in the countryside now that it s April

A. Well, spring has sprung, it’s a new month and the government is urging people to return to the countryside as the foot and mouth epidemic shows signs of containment. So The AnswerBank has01:00 Mon 09th Apr 2001

Why do you only get 'Delhi belly' abroad

A. Diarrhoea is by far the commonest complaint of ill health in travellers. The main causes of tummy troubles can be put down to the different viral and bacteria flora living in your holiday paradise01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

Can you unravel poetry jargon for me

Okay, here goes... Q. What's a stanza A. A group of lines in a poem that, unlike verse, do not necessarily rhyme. Q. What's a sonnet A. A poem of fourteen lines in length with a rhyming scheme01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

People, places and pumpernickel

By Steve Cunningham ANOTHER bumper crop of interesting questions and answers on the People & Places channel on The AnswerBank. One of my favourites was jbeputnam's: What do Germans eat that the01:00 Thu 01st Mar 2001

What happens when you drink your own urine asked Max

By Meril Haseen Any negative effects from drinking your own urine ...asked Max. Apparently, you shouldn't drink your own wee unless you are a vegetarian or vegan who abstains from drugs (meat-eaters01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Heat is on for England in Sri Lanka

By Tom Gard THE series victory in Pakistan at the end of last year has instilled an optimism and belief in English cricket unknown since the early 1980s. This summer's Ashes series with Australia01:00 Wed 21st Feb 2001

You asked about Dido and her Eminem links: we fill you in

By Andy Hughes Mum121 asked: 'Which singer is sampled by Eminem on his single Stan and what was the song Eminem borrowed ' The short answer is Dido. Here is the longer explanation. Dido was born01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Can you help with the horses

By Tom Gard ANOTHER week, and time once again to look at what has been exercising our minds on's sport section. First off, Patrick needs some help with the horses. Does anyone01:00 Wed 14th Feb 2001

Doing your homework

By Tom Gard IMAGINE if commuting to work involved arming yourself with a cupper, stepping over a toddler or two, negotiating the stairs and then sitting down in front of the computer. For millions01:00 Tue 13th Feb 2001

Which was the last part of the British Isles to get traffic lights

A. This question, from pmarris, is a bit of a poser. There are, for example, big villages that still have no traffic lights. Indeed, Faversham in Kent, an ancient town of nearly 20,000 souls, has01:00 Fri 09th Feb 2001

Underground to a great new idea

by Steve Cunningham Londonstills.comTHE VICTORIANS thought it was the greatest building operation since the pyramids. The London Underground, in the news after transport unions called strikes01:00 Thu 08th Feb 2001

Cheap ski deals

By Katharine MacColl THE DOOM and gloom surrounding the state of this year's pistes doesn't seem to have put off this year's batch of British skiers Over the past few years the introduction of01:00 Tue 30th Jan 2001

Fair by name, fair by nature

By Christina Okoli THERE is something very strange going on in church halls and school gyms across the country. Thousands of people are giving-up a relaxing weekend in, to push, shove and haggle01:00 Mon 15th Jan 2001

The most powerful man in the world

By Steve Cunningham ALAN Greenspan has pressed the panic button and cut American interest rates in an attempt to head off looming recession. Press Association Alan GreenspanBut who is the01:00 Tue 09th Jan 2001

E-tailers resort to bricks and mortar

by Oliver Goggi The dotcom world is going back to basics as the high street proves more profitable than the virtual world. Following a dismal fourth quarter of 2000 in which dotcom closures01:00 Wed 03rd Jan 2001

Be careful what you catch

By Christina Okoli NOT so long ago a virus was something you beat off with a hot cup of cocoa and a slice of motherly love. But, as the Internet becomes an integral part of our daily lives, the mere01:00 Mon 25th Dec 2000

Christmas crackers!

Just what is it about Christmas that turns normally sane selective record buyers into whimsical culture-bypassed suckers for whichever puppet of the day has lined up some dreadful ditty for them to01:00 Fri 22nd Dec 2000

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