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Pre-Paid Debit Cards May Replace Pocket Money

With the government introducing a new initiative to teach primary school children the ways of careful money management, perhaps we should all take a good look at the way we spend and save our hard earned cash. It is widely believed that children learn what they need to know about the big wide world from their parents....16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Debt advice from above

It is surely a frightening sign that the Brits are in such a financial mess that they are in need of divine intervention. The Bank of England's interest rate slash to 5.5 per cent last year and its15:38 Fri 08th Aug 2008

Advantage Loans

This Article is provided by BBC Watchdog (The AnswerBank is not affiliated with BBC Watchdog) Advantage Loans 23rd November 2004 Advantage Loans is based in Bournemouth. According to an Advantage Loan19:02 Thu 25th Nov 2004

Mobile phone vouchers: How they work

by Lisa Cardy THERE are a multitude of different brands of mobile phone as well as various ways of paying for the calls you make. Vouchers, also known as pay as you talk (PAYT) and pay as you go01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

How to Get the Best Regional Black Friday Offers

The day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday, is the busiest shopping day of the year. This means that there are great deals to be had on all sorts of items for everyone on your list. Wherever people live in the United States, there are some amazing Black Friday deals on offer.15:26 Thu 14th Oct 2021

A Beginners' Guide to Secured or Homeowner Loans

Borrowing a large amount of money is a big decision, and there are many different options available to you. It is a good idea to consider as many of these options as possible, but the main one for homeowners is the secured or homeowner loan. If you are considering this loan, there are lots of things you should think ab...13:30 Thu 16th Jan 2014


Travelsupermarket is part of Moneysupermarket group and has expanded on the Travel theme. The types of services offered for comparison include flights, hotels, car hire, package holidays and insurance. They are a one-stop shop for all your travelling needs. They also present a number of extra services which make the s...16:37 Mon 24th May 2010

Current Account Lending Code

High street banks have come under fire recently for their allegedly unscrupulous conduct in the current account market. Levying disproportionately high charges on overdrafts, charging for products that used to be free and introducing unnecessary add-ons are all practices that banks have been criticised for. So, perhap...16:37 Mon 24th May 2010

Online Shopping: Drawbacks

Shopping online has become ubiquitous in the UK; however even the World Wide Web has some drawbacks. Security and privacy are the main areas of concern when buying online, but with a few simple and easy checks you can ensure a safe shopping spree – with your goods delivered straight to your door. Shopping withou...16:37 Mon 24th May 2010

How to Shop for Gifts Online

We all know shopping can be stressful especially when you don’t really know what you’re looking for. Crowded shopping centres and frenzied shopping streets can mean that you don’t end up getting what you want, but there is an alternative, which doesn’t involve stress or crowds - online shopping!...16:37 Mon 24th May 2010

ID Theft 'Can Lead To Blacklisting'

Identity theft can be a distressing crime before its long-lasting effects are even considered. The mere thought that someone could be using your details to take money out of your account, apply for a passport or even commit crimes can be extremely concerning. However, cards can be cancelled, passports can be stopped an...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

What Is An IVA

In the current financial climate many of us are feeling the pinch and increasingly finding that our outgoings are more than our incomings. However, for some people the situation is much more desperate and they have built up large debts which they now find they cannot repay. Some of this will be credit cards where the c...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Is An Unsecured Loan Right For You

Occasionally we all need a bit of extra capital for one reason or another. Perhaps a new car or luxury holiday. In some cases a larger amount is needed to consolidate other debts such as credit cards and smaller loans. There are two main types of loan secured and unsecured. A secured loan is one which is backed by col...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Private banking may hold benefits for many

However, as the world's banks struggle with unfavourable credit conditions and look to attract new customers to shore themselves up, membership criteria for the elite club of private banking are being13:50 Tue 23rd Sep 2008

Did You Know

When taking out a savings account the main thing most consumers tend to focus on is the rate of interest they are being offered. This is because gaining the highest rate of interest will allow them to16:37 Tue 08th Jul 2008

Money Matters. A Look at Loans, Debt, Mortgages and More

Debt. It s a word that will strike fear into the heart of many people. According to data for 2005, people in Britain owe more than 1 trillion and the Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS)11:30 Sat 12th May 2007

Why is it so difficult to get people to pay for Internet content

Asks marmalade A. It is difficult to get the ordinary consumer to pay for information provided on the Internet because it is perceived by most of us as being free, so why pay for it - and sometimes01:00 Wed 19th Dec 2001

What are Internet casinos and how do they work

Asks Howard PiercyA. Internet casinos are an integral part of Internet gambling, which is essentially the betting, playing and collecting of money via the Internet. Within a virtual casino, or a01:00 Thu 12th Apr 2001

Do you have any tips on exchanging money in out of the way destinations, especially North Africa

asks Howard Piercy A. The best way to avoid running out of local currency is to exchange money at a bank or travel terminal, e.g, an airport or train station, before you move on to any remote01:00 Mon 09th Apr 2001

Holiday Trauma And How To Avoid It

Forgotten passports, chalet keys left at home and getting sick these are just a few of the things we hope won’t happen to us on holiday but invariably do. It seems we are plagued by holiday trauma as a nation and it takes around a day and a half to get over it. A recent report from a leading credit card company ...12:45 Wed 04th Jan 2012

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