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Classical music - made easy

Q. I've just started a new job, and my boss is a big classical music fan. I told him I was as well, now I'm panicking in case I get caught out, can you help A. Of course, that's what the Answerbank01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

What does DVD mean

A. DVD stands for Digital Versatile Discs. Q. How does a DVD store data A. Like a CD, the data on a DVD is encoded in the form of small bumps in the track of the disc. Q. How do DVDs differ01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

Why did Dumbo have big ears

A. A recent study shows that Dumbo's wouldn't have used his big ears just to fly, they were also essential for losing the extra heat from his body that flying would have created and so stopped him01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

I have very vivid dreams - can they mean anything

sporty asks: A. Vivid dreams tend to be the ones you have just before waking up. Just about everything that goes through your head at night is forgotten by morning, and even your vivid dreams will01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

There s a lot of concern about burglary. But what are the facts

A. Although burglary fell by 8 per cent during 1990-2000, that is no comfort to the thousands of people who lose valuables and have their property ransacked every year. Here are a few facts to bear01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

Who was St Patrick

A. Thanks to Deiter for the question. Patrick was born in Banwen, Wales and kidnapped and sold in Ireland as a slave. He became fluent in the Irish language before escaping to Gaul where he studied01:00 Thu 15th Mar 2001

What meals can I make in minutes

...asked Poppy A. Apart from the specific dishes mentioned below, the boring advice is to prepare in advance. Cooking sauces to add to pasta or home-made soups in batches, and freezing different size01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

Q Are there many songs that don't have the title in the lyrics

A. Loads! In fact, when you investigate, you'll be surprised just how many there are. Q. What are the most obvious ones A. The ones everyone knows are songs such as Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

Q How easy is it to get a good disco for a wedding or a party

A. Anyone can set up as a DJ and charge money for doing so, but it doesn't mean you're always going to get value for money. In the disco game, you don't necessarily get what you pay for. Q. Sounds01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

How do batteries work

Q. How do batteries work asked riley. Thanks to CrankSPL for a very detailed answer. Here The AnswerBank looks at the subject even further. Q. When were batteries first invented A. The01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

Why are banner ads changing shape

A. Many web publishers are hoping that bigger and bolder banner ads will encourage net users to pay more attention to the products being advertised and thus increase the company's revenue.01:00 Mon 12th Mar 2001

Where does the term derby come from

A. Nobody is entirely sure, but the most likely source of the term dates back to medieval times when holiday celebrations in towns and villages in England often featured a series of virtually01:00 Wed 07th Mar 2001

Q What's the latest thing in music-playing technology

A. There is always a big noise made about 'new technology', but broadly speaking, the new formats fall into two categories - mini-discs, and MP3s. Q. So vinyl really is a thing of the past then A.01:00 Tue 06th Mar 2001

What is sushi

A. Sushi is a traditional Japanese cuisine based on raw fish as the key ingredient. Q. Where does it come from A. Origianlly, Osaka and Tokyo about 1,000 years ago. It was used then as a method of01:00 Mon 05th Mar 2001

Cable modems: how do they work

A. Cable modems are devices that allow high-speed access to the Internet via a cable television network. They are similar to a traditional analogue modems, which connect to the Internet via an01:00 Mon 05th Mar 2001

Classic adaptations

Q. Whose are the most adapted works A. Shakespeare comes in for the most stick, because he is the biggest literary institution and it is a great way of poking fun at the established theatre. The01:00 Mon 05th Mar 2001

What are the lampreys and did they kill King John

A. This question has come from Jim Gregory. Sorry Jim ' wrong king. It was Henry I (1068-1135), William the Conqueror's youngest and ablest son (a stern critic of excess in others), who died from01:00 Thu 01st Mar 2001

How much money is being invested in regional theatre

by Nicola Shepherd What are the financial prospects for regional theatre On 7 March regional arts organisations will announce how they are going to carve up their slice of the 25 million, promised01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

The greatest hits

By Andy Hughes Why do artists release 'Greatest Hits' albums Some cynics would say it's just a way of cashing in and getting people to buy material they've already got, but there is a legitimate01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Is heavy metal hip

By Andy Hughes Is there any truth to the rumour that Heavy Metal is back in fashion The term 'fashionable' might be stretching the definition somewhat, but if you said 'popular' you'd be right on01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

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