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Is it illegal to use a mobile phone while driving

By Christina Okoli A DRIVER was sentenced this month to five years in prison after his lorry hit and killed a pedestrian in a roadside lay-by. The presiding judge described the driver's actions as01:00 Sat 24th Feb 2001

Indepth reply to Penguin's question about arnica

By Merill Haseen SOME complementary remedies have become everyday choices for family health, and arnica is fast becoming one of the best-known and most-used homeopathic remedies in the country. 01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Sabrinah asked: How marine mammals avoid 'the bends

by Lisa Cardy SABRINAH wanted to know why marine mammals, such as whales, don't get the 'bends'. Here The AnswerBank provides a detailed explanation: Marine mammals, which evolved on land and01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

Don't quote me...

By Hermione Gray SOME of the most commonly used quotes today are misquotes, or attributed to the wrong person. Here are a few of the most famous... Nobody in Star Trek said, 'Beam me up, Scotty.'01:00 Mon 19th Feb 2001

End of the Chinese dynasties

by Steve Cunningham RUSSIAN Revolution It's the staple diet of all political history students. The Chinese Revolution That's different. Press AssociationChina, at 1,243 million, has the01:00 Thu 15th Feb 2001

Hull on the wrong side of football's cash divide

By Tom Gard EVENTS off the football field last week brought the gulf between the game's haves and have-nots into sharp focus. On the same day that Manchester United's global expansion scaled new01:00 Wed 14th Feb 2001

Pool revolution has them cueing up

By Tom Gard ANYONE who has been to their local high street Pool Hall recently will know that there is a lot more going on on the green baise these days than snooker and billiards, the traditional01:00 Wed 14th Feb 2001

Gearing up to grow

By Tom Gard LIKE plants and animals, this is the time of year gardeners begin to come out of hibernation and take their first tentative sniffs of the air outside. The weather has not been kind01:00 Tue 13th Feb 2001

Fireplace formula needed

By Tom Gard THERE have been some genuinely testing questions -and some brilliant answers - posted over the past few weeks. Before we have a look at some of the matters that have been exercising01:00 Tue 13th Feb 2001

Passengers for Lobster Thermidor gate 24

by Nicola Shepherd THE Univesity of Surrey has just appointed its first Professor of airline food. He is called Peter Jones, he has a half a million pound budget and his mission is to get us to01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Too old to rock and roll

By Andy Hughes Press Association Roger Daltrey'HOPE I die before I get old!' advised Roger Daltrey in 1965. Bearing in mind that Mr Daltrey is 57 this year, you have to presume his statement was01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Between the sheets - books for romantics

by Nicola Shepherd Romatic book ideas: Write him or her into a romantic novel Online just fill in a questionnaire about relevant characteristics, appearance details, likes and dislikes, and then01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Mobile phone mast fury

By Merill Haseen A COUNCIL in England has started legal proceedings against Orange, because the mobile phone company refused to remove a mobile phone mast from the grounds of a school. Orange placed01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Why we're pancake-flipping crazy

by Steve Cunningham ON 27 February, Britain goes flipping crazy. And it's all a bit of a mystery to foreigners. For this is Pancake Day, an almost-baffling festival that has its roots in deep01:00 Mon 12th Feb 2001

Which was the last part of the British Isles to get traffic lights

A. This question, from pmarris, is a bit of a poser. There are, for example, big villages that still have no traffic lights. Indeed, Faversham in Kent, an ancient town of nearly 20,000 souls, has01:00 Fri 09th Feb 2001

Speed hero's Bluebird found

by Steve Cunningham DIVERS have found the submerged wreck of speed hero Donald Campbell's jet-powered boat Bluebird, 34 years after he was killed. Press Association Bluebird in actionCampbell01:00 Thu 08th Feb 2001

Underground to a great new idea

by Steve Cunningham Londonstills.comTHE VICTORIANS thought it was the greatest building operation since the pyramids. The London Underground, in the news after transport unions called strikes01:00 Thu 08th Feb 2001

Second time around

By Katharine MacColl THERE'S nothing like a familiar face to draw in the crowds at the box office. So much so, in fact, that it seems that the majority of Hollywood's biggest hits these days are01:00 Wed 07th Feb 2001

Can you solve the European Cup riddle

By Tom Gard THERE has been a distinct footballing focus on question and answer sports channel this week. Before we look at what has been exercising the old grey cells over the01:00 Tue 06th Feb 2001

Back to the future

By Tom Gard THE predominant image of the modern day housing development is of lines of identical boxes standing in neat rows. From the outside number one looks exactly the same as number 99, and01:00 Mon 05th Feb 2001

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