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Futuristic fashions

by Lisa Cardy IF you want to be cool this summer then a new invention from Australia is just the thing you're looking for. Scientists from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial01:00 Mon 05th Feb 2001

Dyson sweeps the board

by Lisa Cardy THE thousands of 'Dyson devotees' around the world breathed a sigh of relief when James Dyson won his High Court battle with arch rivals Hoover at the end of last year. Press01:00 Mon 05th Feb 2001

The great Internet rip-off

By Christina Okoli EVEN web surfers are getting caught in the tide of rip-off Britain. According to a recent report Internet users in the UK are paying more for high-speed access than their01:00 Sun 04th Feb 2001

Testing times

By Katharine MacColl IT'S that time of the week when we review the good, the bad and the downright tricky. The experts at The Answebank have really had their old grey matter tested with some of01:00 Wed 31st Jan 2001

Napster announces subscription fee

By Oliver Goggi THE days of downloading free music from the net could soon be over as Napster tells of its intention to charge users for its service. Napster's chief executive, Hank Barry,01:00 Tue 30th Jan 2001

The French have the bleus

by Nicola Shepherd SACRE BLEU! The Michelin Guides are being run by a Brit. It was only last December that all 38 three-Michelin starred chefs from all corners of Europe gathered at the Plaza01:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

You only have to ask...

...and you'll be amazed at the answers you get. The intellectual capacities and memories of the AnswerBank's visitors have been tested to the limit. But the intrepid seekers of the truth have never01:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

He couldn't run a whelk stall!

By Hermione Gray THERE are many colourful ways of describing incompetence, where a person is placed in a position far beyond his ability. One memorable saying is, 'He couldn't run a whelk stall'.01:00 Mon 29th Jan 2001

The song really does remain the same

By Andy Hughes HEAVY rock legends Led Zeppelin were right when they advised the listening world that 'the song remains the same.' It does, just the singers change from time to time. Crazy usesA01:00 Mon 22nd Jan 2001

Going wild in the garden

By Tom Gard IF your idea of attracting wildlife into the garden is slapping a bird table in the middle of the lawn and watching the local cat population lick their lips, it's time to think again.01:00 Mon 22nd Jan 2001

Economy class syndrome

By Merill Haseen DEEP vein thrombosis (DVT), also known as 'Economy Class Syndrome' can strike anyone who is immobile for long periods of time. It's caused by a blood clot which forms in the leg,01:00 Mon 22nd Jan 2001

Eurovision winners (and losers)

By Andy Hughes AAHHHH, the Eurovision Song Contest, the perennial jamboree of middle-of-the-road pop combined with extreme political voting, a sure route to fame and fortune. Or is it Analysis01:00 Mon 22nd Jan 2001

What was Coronation Street originally called

A. The show was the braindchild of Tony Warren, a 23-year-old actor and writer who was being paid 30 a week by Granada Television to write scripts. He was working on the Biggles adventures when he01:00 Fri 19th Jan 2001

Bill scales the gates of the game world

By Christina Okoli THE computer giant Microsoft is moving out of the office and into the living room, as it bids to conquer the tight and hostile world of computer games. Press Association Gates01:00 Mon 15th Jan 2001

Lunar links to your health

By Merill Haseen HAVE you noticed feeling a little odd around the time of the full moon The next full moon will be on 9 January, 8 February and 9 March so take more notice of your moods around01:00 Mon 08th Jan 2001

Do we need daily prayer

By Merill Haseen IS DAILY prayer in schools necessary these days It's a century since a law was passed that made daily collective worship compulsory in schools. The School Standards and01:00 Mon 08th Jan 2001

Wonder Walls

MOST people know there's a list somewhere and can usually get the Pyramids right. But few know the exact Seven Wonders of the World and their location. It was essential knowledge in any good01:00 Tue 02nd Jan 2001

WWW dot gone

By Christina Okoli MORE and more Internet companies are saving-up, logging-off and shutting down. In the year 2000, six of some of the web's biggest movers closed, resulting in a plunge in the01:00 Tue 02nd Jan 2001

Stress: can you escape from it

Is stress the plague of the 21st century Is it the result of our greedy, consumer-driven society pushing us to strive for more of everything We in Britain work the longest hours in Europe, an01:00 Sun 31st Dec 2000

Pets on stage: who gets the rewards

By Lisa Cardy ARE THE roles of pets and their owners reversing Traditionally, it has been the owners that reward the animals, but with the growing demand for animal actors the reverse is occuring.01:00 Fri 22nd Dec 2000

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