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Who was Lee Miller

A. Born in New York in 1907, Lee Miller became a model in Paris in the 1920s. She was lover, model and photographic collaborator of the Surrealist photographer Man Ray, and her other contacts in the01:00 Mon 02nd Jul 2001

Is it worth travelling south to Naples when I visit Italy later this year

Asks Jellybean A. Naples is the third most populated city in Italy (after Rome and Milan), and is the capital of the Campania region. It is situated between Vesuvius and the Phlegrean Fields and is01:00 Mon 11th Jun 2001

Can you recommend any good web sites that give you film reviews and cinema listings

Asks Brandon A. If you type "cinema listings" into any good search engine on the web you will be able to find a listing for cinemas in your area or if you have this information already and want to01:00 Mon 28th May 2001

Who was Jan Vermeer

A. Jan - or Johannes - Vermeer was born on 31 October 1632, in the town of Delft in the Netherlands. Remaining in the town all his life, he was buried there on 15 December 1675. He was one of the01:00 Mon 28th May 2001

Is there a new picture of Shakespeare

Shakespeae portrait as featured in Canada's Globe and Mail, 11th May 2001A. Yes. Or rather, no - it's an old one (if it is a picture of the Bard at all). Does that make it crystal clear Q. No.01:00 Mon 21st May 2001

When is the best time to visit Brighton for the weekend

Asks JacksonC A. The best time to visit Brighton is in May. Although good weather cannot be guaranteed, the Brighton Festival is on, which means that there is loads to do. It runs for the whole01:00 Mon 07th May 2001

What is being exhibited at the British Museum's new African galleries

A. On 3 March 2001, the Sainsbury's African Galleries were opened at the British Museum, London. Funded largely by the Sainsbury supermarket family, along with a donation from the Henry Moore01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

How do we preserve National treasures

Q. How do we preserve national treasures A. By artificially creating conditions that slow down their deterioration. Whatever the work of art, be it a marble relief or a pickled shark, care and01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

Who's hot in British architecture at the moment

The guy who is running away with the prizes is Will Alsop of Alsop and Stomer. He won last year's Stirling Prize (named afer the great James Stirling - see below) for his new design for the library at01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Armani - the new model for art funding

By Anna Tobin BRITAIN'S museums are being encouraged to look for other sources of income as public money is not so forthcoming. But what is being done to stop commercialism going too far Across01:00 Fri 02nd Feb 2001

Time for bed, said Zebedee

By Katharine MacColl POLITICAL satire or counter-cultural television with drug references The Magic Roundabout, which started life way back in 1965 as a French children's programme called Le Manege01:00 Thu 25th Jan 2001

What is the best city in Switzerland

Asks esmeharrison A. Undoubtedly it is Zurich. Switzerland itself has a squeaky clean reputation and many of its cities are often criticised for their sanitised appearance and resulting cold01:00 Wed 10th Jan 2001

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