I have just booked a holiday to the Maldives. The tour operator sent some papers through. On one of these has the line: 'Please note that it may be a legal requirement on your part to have adequate...
I know there are a few questions on here about the same subject but I need advice on a different set of circumstances. My boyfriend passed his driving test in July and his mum tried to get him...
Hi, Today I had a small accident involving another car - I scraped her bumper / wing (no dents, just a scratch). Anyway, I swapped insurance details with them and everything seemed fine. Then when I...
In June of this year my husband was done for driving without insurance. He was in the belief that he had insurance as his mum had paid the year insurance on her credit card for us and we were paying...
Not sure if this should be here or in the law section, but here goes! On 10/07/06, a moped went into the back of my car as I slowed approaching a junction. When it happened, he admitted he turned away...
Hi I would like to know some information as I was stopped for a random police check and by that time I didn't have insurance. It was a genuine mistake, as I was in the process of changing my insurance...
I had an accident at the weekend in a car park. I was reversing and went in to the side of a car that was pulling in to the road i was reversing in to. I firstly believe that it is my fault as I...
To my surprise I was stopped by the police. I thought I have an insurance to my car. I do my insurance by direct debit. I would never drive a car without insurance. I always make sure my wife car and...
Basically my policy for my insurance lapsed at newal and I as totally unaware of this (not the standard trying to get out of paying insurance thing). At the time I was sitting exams and a few resits...
As I was driving along a road this guy pulled out from a side road and crashed into the side of my car. He claimed that he could not see as the sun was shining in his face. He admitted to me...
If someone pays for the insurance to a building they don't actually own, but is part of a group of buildings he does partially own under one business, what happens to the money in the event of... ...
Does life insurance cover the current coronavirus pandemic? Is it possible to buy life insurance now and be covered for COVID-19? Insurance company I'm Insured have written a very informative guide...
Just after getting Maxie groomed in vets. Asked about insurance and was told to go for lifetime insurance with Pet plan. Erm - have found Tesco insurance cheaper per month but no lifetime insurance...
Has my insurance been canceled? Ok so... back in 2007 i had a drink and drove my vehicle and crashed into a building. I was caught and given 20 month ban which was reduced to 15 after i attended a...
Hi I recently got car insurance in December after cancelling my previous insurance due to a broken leg, when I got my new insurance I just logged on to my go compare account and didn't think to read...
I have car insurance with esure. I have 12 years no claims and drive a car worth about £6k. My insurance this year was £523. I have now moved about ½ mile away and when I informed...
Hello! Today i was reading Daily Express newspaper and i came accross this Saga Car Insurance for 180£ for people older 50 yo. For those that claimed thei insurance from 13th november to march...
I have recently been involved in a motor accident and intend to claim against the other parties Motor Insurance for damaged incurred to my car. The other party have stated that they do not want...
I have just been reading a post on another site and wondered about insurance etc. What happens in the case of an accident that happens to your property by someone/something that is not part of or...
I was driving my mother's car with her permission when I was stopped by the police. I produced my own insurance certificate on a car which I had returned under a hire contract earlier but on which I...