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"property rent"

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wonder years
i would wellcome advice on this, i have lived in my house for 15 years and it was lovely all the propertys were owned buy families, now for diffrent reasons i.e. needing bigger property, seperation,...
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I was renting a property to the council through a management company until recently when the lease expired, the tenants stayed in the property for an extra week from the agreed date of vacation. The...
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I recently moved in with my partner and have since put my house on the market. The plan was to use the profit made on my property (approx ?35k after clearing some debts!) and use this to go halves on...
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I am considering buying the property I am currently renting. The monthly mortgage repayments would be what im curently paying now in rent. my trouble is getting on the property ladder, with me being a...
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Hi, I have been trying to search on Commercial property to rent in London, but don't kow how the whole things work? Most of the property is lease hold ie for 9 years, then what happen after the 9 yrs?...
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I am living in a housing association rented property and I have a question regarding this year's rental charge. We (I share with a few others) are quoted a weekly rent figure but can opt to pay...
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Hi I have to fill in a "short tax return" and it is all very straightforward except I am stuck on question 6.1 - UK Property - Income. I rent out a room in my principle residence and the total rent...
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Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, or if the Law section would be better. Anyway, my Partner has a property which he's owned for almost 18 months. When he purchased it, there was...
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my friend runs a restaurant , the property is leased to him and he pays his rent every quarter. He is in dispute with his landlord over some other monies. On paying his last rent he received a letter...
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Myself,my brother and his children have been left my late mothers property in her will.My brother and his family are living in the property which eventually will be sold.Can i expect any rent from my...
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I am in full time emloyment and as most do nowadays struggle to make ends meet, every now and then slipping into rent arrears (maybe 1 week at a time but always catching up at the end of the month)....
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My rent has gone up by nearly ?7.00, which I think is extortionate. How do I go about appealing? Am I in danger of my rent rising even further if it is found that I indeed should be paying more rent?...
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we recently bought a house hoever the owner died before the house was written over to us. anyways we started renting out the house etc, and it has been a few years. we never lived in the house but...
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My grandfather transfered his property valued at 20,000 into my partners name in 1998. My partner took on his outstanding mortgage for 12,500 and gave him in return a tenancy on the property with very...
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can a housing association tenant buy a property to rent out
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i live in scotland within north lanarkshire council. im 48, have separated from husband for a few years, he lives and works down south. for the past few years i have been private renting but...
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We live in privately rented accomadation ,but my 80yrold mum is unwell and i would like to move closer to her.we have looked into renting a house in her area but it is far more than where we live...
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My Mum bought her flat approx 6 months ago - she had lived in it for approx 30 years. After falling - again - today she is thinking of moving to a ground floor property. The most obvious solution...
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My partner joint owns an apartment with his ex. His ex can not afford to take on the mortgage, he can but at a struggle. At present he has moved out but is still paying the mortgage while she is...
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I read an answer to a different question about whether someone should sell or rent their house. The answer was do neither but consider putting the property into Trust and then registering it as a...

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