Why do parents etc take kids shopping and to church when they know they are going to create mayhem! Kids hate shopping unless it is for them and as for church if you have no one to look after them...
Hello Everyone!! It's Friday,end of the week for me. Got all the weekend off to finish my Christmas shopping.Ooh, I'm not really looking forward to it though.It's going to be chaos when I nip to town...
I have to start my holiday shopping at least by this weekend. Before heading out for shopping I want to have all the details of the discount sales, special offers and open houses in New Jersey. I...
Anyone here do it ? saw a young mum giving her kids bannanas and grapes as she was shopping - just picked them off the fruit section and let the 3 kids eat them - as bold as brass , if ive tasted just...
Going to Chester this weekend to spend some cash! Could anyone tell me the best places to go for clothes shopping. Could they recommend any streets where the little boutiques are or maybe where the...
Hello its me again.Just popped on for a minute as Billy is watching football with Ucle Zak and Sam.So i thought id update you on the saga of myself and Billy Shuttleworth.Well as you know i put him...
Hi folks, The other day I saw lady carrying a cotton shopping bag with a Lowry print on it. I asked her where she got it from & she said Salford (where else). She also said you could get them on line,...
is there a site where i can compare shopping prices, i know there compare.com but that's for house insurance etc, i want one for shopping, everything is going up so much these days i'm going to have...
I did a bit of evening shopping earlier,and all I bought in my local Tesco was:- Two BIO:SYNERGY fitness water Mild Curry powder and a carton of Alpro Soya milk.All for just over ?4. I like to keep as...
anyone else doing most of their Christmas shopping online?...or are you all trudging around the shops? I hate Christmas and hate shopping at any time. ( an unusual trait considering I'm a girlie, so...
What kind of problems have you encountered with regard to shopping? Have you noticed any particularly pushy sales people in shops? Have you waited for ages to be approached by a sales person when you...
please help me i want a trendy,funky shopping trolley as im only 37 but suffer with back problems so carrying heavy shopping bags is a no no..where can i get 1 from so i dont look like an old lady...
My son has celiacs. Does anyone else who may have this or other food allergies notice how somthing like this adds an additional half an hour to your shopping. I spend at least a half an hour reading...
I'm tyring to create a PHP shopping cart. At the moment i'm implementing the cookies and sessions. Anyone know of how I could or where I could get information from.?I have used most major sites to...
When are the Christmas Shopping Channels starting on Sky this year? I seem to remember them starting very early last year. I don't want to start buying... the question started as a conversation/rant...
Do you or have you done your gorcery shopping online? If so which stores & what are your experiences? My youngest son is off school this week with chicken pox & supplies are running low :( A friend...
Hey, Does anybody know any good online shopping websites .. for modern fashionable clothes .. designer or high street .. its a sunday and im bored, so i fancy an online shopping day!! Already tried...
Is anyone totally addicted to shopping? ie clothes, make up etc.. stuff you don't even need and really can't afford but still do it having the use of credit cards. I just can't stop shopping I...