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Is there a website that lists cars and the insurance bands that they fall into? It is for someone who will be passing there test soon and needs to find which car will be the cheapest to insure until...
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cat woman
This is a question for our American ABer's, here in England our Police Force all wear the same style and colour uniform, and drive the same marked police cars, why after watching an American "COPS"...
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can anyone tell the the music from the audi advert, it starts with the old quatro rally car and goes on about how theyve been making 4x4 for there cars and now they are making their cars for 4x4,...
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Is there a general rule for setting up the cars on gt4, im having trouble wth the camber/toe angle and also the damper bound/ rebound. this is for the tuned FR and tuned MR and also 4WD, all i need is...
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Ok. I can swallow the concept of x-ray eyes, cars disco dancing or in an aerial ballet, roof jumping, cars having guardian angels; even tight-wads hitching a lift to work on the tops of buses but when...
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i read up on a guy that made his corrado awd here's the link rticle/article/7/1/ how could i do what he did. remeber i live in the states i don't think...
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I am a holder of an International Driver's Licence, i am in the uk for a year, am i permitted to drive my parents cars? or do they have to insure the cars in my name too?
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does any one know the song that has these lyrics "I woke up dreaming " and in the ad the cars driving along and theres a big radio, flowers and pile of grass?? cant remember what cars being...
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this morning in rugeley i saw loads and loads (about 50) motorbikes drive past together, also in the line up were american police cars and old english police cars with the blues flashing. to cap it...
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Wasn't too sure where to put this. Usually people in our street all park on the same side of the road leaving one side empty. However, recently some new neighbours have taken to parking their two cars...
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I have some cryptic clues to a 500 strong cryptic pop quiz and Iam at a loose end....Can anyone help??? 12, Bored Crazy 26,The French impair 37,Torment is for Brave Men 59,Small Horse Society 70,Exile...
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Didnt have a clue where to put this so i thought id try here. Is there a general rule for setting up the cars on gt4, im having trouble wth the camber/toe angle and also the damper bound/ rebound....
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I'm nearly 40 years old and feel I'm getting out of touch with what's happening on the street. (don't worry, I'm not going through a mid life crisis) I just want to know about what's effectively cool....
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I think the song is by Bal-Sagoth, but does anyone know the title? Here's the link Don't watch if easily...
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Looks like our Nissan Micra will be written off by the insurance. It's a 1.3 GX, 1997 'P' plate with 65000 miles and the repair would be ?1500. How much are we likely to be offered and can we...
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hey, im absolutley useless when it comes to cars, i am 20 and hoping to buy my first car in the next few weeks i have ?3500 saved can anyone tell me what i will be able 2 get around that price or what...
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Reading through the various threads, is there anyone else but me who dislikes all these "new-fangled" cars and crave a bit of good old fashioned mechanics, as we used to have in the...
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What is going to happen, do you think, when we finally run out of oil? Will people stop fighting? Will we use electric cars? Why aren't we all using electric cars now?
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live in a very narrow side street on a council estate. cars parked on either side of road u got to zig-zag all way down street. my sister-in law mother lives across from me has a drive which they dont...
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I am a fleet manager. I do not get a company car as part of my package. From time to time we have employees leave or get sacked which means that their company cars sit in our car park until a new...

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