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"day off"

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My daughter rang me extremely upset - very stressed about her job, felt she couldn't work - although she had arrived at work - couldn't stop crying - totally overwhe;med by the amount she has to do -...
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Just this to start your day off, enjoy.
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What's yours? Mine was on the way home from work, I spotted a stray dog wondering at the side of the road, soooo....I stopped, parked up, looked for a tag on the dog, all I found was a tag that said...
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Hi,my husband works for an animal refuge shelter. There's all sorts going on at the moment, its all up in arms because of the management and they seem to get rid of people for no apparent reason. They...
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I recently lost a court case against someone for a GBH charge. I was the victim of this. His lawyer made me out to be a liar an I have not lied once. I had a threatening phone call the day the trial...
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im off to london..catch you all on like ice in the 15.10 at plumpton and paddy partridge in the 16.10 also at plumpton..
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You may have noticed there is a wedding of sorts on today. If you'd like to natter about it please do so here. This should avoid different "shifts" starting separate Royal Wedding threads....
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Good morning, everyone. Do you like my bonnet? Any minute now I`m going to get off my BFA and go for a walk. What are you going to do?
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The plan is to have a rest before back to work on Monday. Very very busy today, why do people go shopping on a hot day at the seaside? Spent a lovely half hour taking coffee in the sunshine with Doc...
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can anyone please help me with this quiz. clues as folows. 2. Nora did not know which way to turn. (7) 4. On the cooks day off they visited the town (9) 13. A ban was put on the bridge (9) 24....
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Maybe a heavy subject for national day off before the long holiday .... But anyway ... Was watching a recorded TV show last night called Smugglers I think it was. Anyway they were searching for drugs...
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...say 10 years You have no AB.. how would you have spent your most recent day off work
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anotheoldgit What's really behind this 1 day visit to Pakistan by our globe-trotting PM? Surely it is not to tell them that we will be increasing our financial aid to them? We already...
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its a bit naff today, may give myself a day off exploring! i hear its picking up in england though...?
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All this trouble and fighting with Police are they all on drugs. Years back when people went on a demo there was never any fighting with Police and there was never any deaths or was there ? It was a...
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A day at the local Hospice, I am doing a course on the "End of Life Symptoms". Ive already done an extensive "Palliative Care" course. These courses are invaluable in my work but...
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i made tons of pancake batter last tuesday and have just found what was left at the back of the fridge. It was put in a sealed tupperware that day. Will it be ok?
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Paddy and Mick go to London to donate sperm. It was a disaster! Paddy missed the tube and Mick came on the bus! ------------ --------- --------oOo- ----------- A Muslim was sitting next to Paddy on a...
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A guy's doing a PhD in sheep shagging. He goes off touring Britain finding out how people do it in different areas. First he goes up to Aberdeen. He goes into a pub, buys a drink, and asks the barman...
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i don't mind it and i do my part, but we are soon to be faced with the annual television-a-phon with the various films of various celebs wandering around these various far off places. i was wondering...

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