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What do you think they should do, when they have gone with an ambulance to help someone who is drunk or drugged up (self inflicted) and this person assaults or spits at them?  I think they should... ...
One of the most popular songs this festive season is Freezing This Christmas by Sir Starmer And The Granny Harmers,has anyone heard it on any of the BBC radio channels.Maybe,i missed it?
And so well deserved, Julie Elliot, Lyn Brown, Steve McCabe, and Margaret Curran, household names and top class talent: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1ln8z0jdz3o   ...
Has anyone used their puffy eye roll on with retinol, or their face creams?  Prices seem too good to be true at Poundland but are they any good??  
I am going out later and I have a headache now but would it be safe to take paracetamol?
not Joe Biden, and not since day 1 of his presidency, according to various media outlets... ...
How much of each in what volume of water?
It is a really good news day today, just heard that the government are to fund hospice care with 126 million. Santa is delivering early in all directions this week. ☆<:○)
What say you?  
Mohammed Amaaz, 20, is charged with two offences of causing actual bodily harm, one charge of assaulting an emergency worker and one charge of common assault. Muhammed Amaad, 25, is charged with... ...
Supermarkets giving away vegtables. Asda from 8p per bag, others at 15p? Farmers being ripped off do you think?
Can someone explain or indicate what's happening with the Parking at Manchester T2 at the moment? We fly on Tuesday and we're trying to book the parking but the Multistorey isn't coming up as an... ...
The good news just keeps coming. Retail sales up by 0.2% in November, and thats without counting Black Friday sales, so even more good news yet to come.
More good news from government. KS said councils can get on with repairing potholes, giving 1.6 billion to do so. Happy days.
Good news eh. Government borrowing fell last month by 11.2 billion, the lowest in 3 years.
Hi, My lovely son has Aspergers and Autism. I'm in need of some advice about what happens to him when I'm no longer around as regarding funerals etc. He is 38 yrs of age and works 4 days a week. I... ...
Sounds silly but on another thread we were chatting about how the traditional Christmas turkey meal seems to be dying out.  But not to insult vegetarians all over the place, what typically consists... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpvnlxxp8jko ....that should please the trumpster! ...
Had a bad fall a week ago - ambulance to hospital did all normal checks legs moving ok after 5 hours in A&Ewas able to walk out with 2 sticks. No Xray or scans. Was already on dihydrocodeine for a... ...
Long story short, my sister ended up taking me to A&E on Tuesday as i was in a lot of pain in my right rib cage and finding it hard to breathe. Had bloods and CT scan and then saw a really... ...

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