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Editor's Blog

Welcome to the Editor's blog. Here is the place to ask questions about The AnswerBank.

If you need to get in touch with the Editor privately, please email:

theeditor AT theanswerbank DOT co DOT uk

If you find something you don't like on The AnswerBank, or something that breaks the rules, please use the report button!

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The AnswerBank has a few moderators. Some are known publicly and others aren't. We have created a list of publicly known moderators to help establish them in case anyone needs support or help. If you...
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Dear AnswerBank Community, I wanted to write to you all to explain a new feature that we have rolled out across The AnswerBank, and, most importantly, to why we have chosen to do so. I am of course...
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Can we have an election poll please
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You were accidentally banned. Your account will be reinstated within two hours along with your questions and answers. 
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Featured Poll can we new one please.  Maybe about Easter
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We've sent you an email. 
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Anyone else experiencing the donation pop-up appearing every few minutes this morning?  It's such a pest!!!
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I have sent you an email. You need to do a password reset. 

This link might be able to help, but you need to log in to the email address associated with your AnswerBank account.
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 ABSpareEditor I'll look into it, thanks Andy-Hughes. It's been suggested that the button be moved to the left-hand side, which would also be ideal. _________________________ Did you look into it,... ...
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 Ed : Am I still the only p Eason  expe ri enc ing proble ms? This site has b eco me virtually unusable - I can no longer post links and all the space s you see above are not typed by me. also... ...
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Some sites I use reproduce much larger emojis - these on Ab are too small for me, especially the "faces" where I struggle to tell the difference.   Any chance of enlarging them ?
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..will I see this pop up screen covering advert in one day? //We hope you enjoy using The AnswerBank. For decades we've helped millions find answers and connect with others. We've built a community...
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...ready for tomorrow?
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Today's spammer posted an innocuous query a few days ago, hoping no doubt as an established poster, to avoid elimination today. Our Mods are too smart for that - and of course the spammer got banned...
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Started it up again, now we don't have read Wendilla and xstitcher.could we have a sticky and the monthly continuations like before. It looks like it might be popular....
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Not getting answer emails although they are appearing on site
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Quite often I post an answer only to find, once posted, there are words missing. I know I've posted them because I type my reply into a Word document and copy and paste it from there. Is anyone is...
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We are looking for a new moderator, particularly someone who is active between the hours of 10am and 2pm UK time. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Make sure to email us...
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Reminder monthly round-up needs updating to June. Still showing May 2022...
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Firstly I'm not really complaining, I understand their necessity but can others confirm I'm not going mad - I have noticed a large increase in the area of my laptop screen that is now given over to...

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