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What is the point of Marking

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emmie | 15:26 Wed 13th Jul 2011 | Editor's Blog
75 Answers
Best answer, do people get points or something?


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I wondered about that em, is it shown anywhere when people mark them?
15:28 Wed 13th Jul 2011
Not my cup of tea either actually!! But I thought it appropriate about pushing Spare Ed's button!!
i love that song Lottie!
It's a bit 'poppy' BOO, but quite good fun for jigging around the house too. Are you jigging around now!!
Oh be quiet Boo and go and listen the Victor Sylvester CD .
I treasure mine .I wanted the decanter :))
thanks loftie i have mental images of Boo jigging now

Where's the eye bleach

*legs it quick*
give over Lottie, im far too lazy to jig or even jog ;-)

Errrr Victor who Shaney? Is it wise having the decanter? You know how clumsy the butler has got lately.
I used to go dancing at the Victor Sylvester dance studios in Wimbledon Shaney when I was very young. It was upstairs over one of the shops at the end of the High Street. There were two cinemas very near one each side of the road. The Odeon and the Gaumont. Probably before your arrival.

Sorry em10 !! I digress.
Boo is probably jigging and shaking her smarties at the same time. Mind you they are MY smarties of course, waiting for me to reach 100 points so there had better be some left Boo or else!
I sacked that butler . He was too fond of the gin :)
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LL digress away, anymore stupendous videos you care to share.
i think shaking my Smarties will get me banned, not to mention the cost of everyone elses therapy billls daisya after they've witnessed it.
Well you asked for it em!!!
I am jigging around in my computer chair now!!!

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what at two old has beens, love the original song.
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see if this works.
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that's more like it, do i get my points now please...
Has beens!!! Never - they've still got what it takes!! Love the Stones and Love Bowie!! Remind me of my mispent youth ;o)
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so does Martha Reeves and The Vandellas, nothing wayward about it, good times.
One of my real old favourites. Real memories.

I just love it.
Nice little diversion em.

Must go and do something constructive!


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