Dear All,
I hope everyone is having a good Friday afternoon.
I've recently been thinking that we could do with having a few more Logos. I wondered if anyone would like to have a go at creating some for us?
This, of course, would be completely unpaid, thankless work... (Okay, so maybe I'll say thank you.)
BUT: you will have your logo displayed on The AnswerBank (when appropriate of course).
Happy for literally any subject to be covered, but I wouldn't mind a generic AB logo we could use in between other events. Something clean but "Like, SO The AnswerBank yah?" Or one with an Gnome in it?
If you'd like to have a crack at this, please feel free to download one of these logos as a starting point:
"but wait!" I hear (some of) you cry, "What about me? I am almost entirely talentless in the respects you require!? How can I feel engaged and involved?!"
Well, don't worry, I need your help too. I need ideas. What logos do you think we should cover, or what do you think we could use to represent AB? Did we miss some important birthdays, celebrations and the like this year? Let me know! And really, I want all sorts of ideas - I certainly know that many of you are cat worshippers, should we have a Logo to pop up to recognise this?
Thanks for reading,
EDIT: I neglected to mention that you should contact us with any Logo ideas at address: - otherwise you may post your responses on a image sharing site for linking to from here.