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Can you design us a new Logo?

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AB Editor | 11:42 Fri 23rd Sep 2011 | Editor's Blog
72 Answers
Dear All,

I hope everyone is having a good Friday afternoon.

I've recently been thinking that we could do with having a few more Logos. I wondered if anyone would like to have a go at creating some for us?

This, of course, would be completely unpaid, thankless work... (Okay, so maybe I'll say thank you.)

BUT: you will have your logo displayed on The AnswerBank (when appropriate of course).

Happy for literally any subject to be covered, but I wouldn't mind a generic AB logo we could use in between other events. Something clean but "Like, SO The AnswerBank yah?" Or one with an Gnome in it?

If you'd like to have a crack at this, please feel free to download one of these logos as a starting point:


"but wait!" I hear (some of) you cry, "What about me? I am almost entirely talentless in the respects you require!? How can I feel engaged and involved?!"

Well, don't worry, I need your help too. I need ideas. What logos do you think we should cover, or what do you think we could use to represent AB? Did we miss some important birthdays, celebrations and the like this year? Let me know! And really, I want all sorts of ideas - I certainly know that many of you are cat worshippers, should we have a Logo to pop up to recognise this?

Thanks for reading,


EDIT: I neglected to mention that you should contact us with any Logo ideas at address: [email protected] - otherwise you may post your responses on a image sharing site for linking to from here.


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See, I told you. badly drawn stickman.
Question Author
It's perfect.
With Halloween coming up shortly, there is some good Royalty Free ClipArt available here Ed ! Not sure if you would be interested.

Ed, did you receive my effort? I spent what seemed a lifetime on it. lol
Was the format wrong or something? I will add that I'm not used to sending pics via e-mail though.
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Dear Arksided,

Yep, got it. I just need to crop it to the right size. I'll give it a blast next week?

I'm working on Halloween this afternoon :)
Halloween Logo would be good Ed ! Spooky one :-))
no rugby logo anymore, is it over?
Question Author
Ruggers logo will be back shortly, just got to remember where I left it. It'll be in the last place I look...
''you should contact us with any Logo ideas at address: [email protected]''

I did... with a suggested logo. Heard nowt back... dunno why I fekkin bothered ;-p
snags...I am willing to bet that there are other ABers who feel likewise. Feedback from Editorial is lacking on many subjects.

hmmm....touch of plagiarism methinks

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Only a little Tambo!

(Thanks for the idea, I did mean to credit, but it slipped my mind)
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"snags...I am willing to bet that there are other ABers who feel likewise. Feedback from Editorial is lacking on many subjects."

Yes, we only used his Logo for many days...

Ron, please attempt to use the site outside of Suggestions and my blog. You might enjoy it.
''Yes, we only used his Logo for many days...''

My tree aint bent !
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Did you do us the Ruggers one...

Although that might Aberrant actually...

My apologies! Did you actually send me a Logo?
Snags definitely send you a logo, I remember him showing it to me.
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I don't seem to have any record of it?! Worrying!
"Ron, please attempt to use the site outside of Suggestions and my blog. You might enjoy it."

Ed..I do and get lots of feedback from AB's members. It's a great site, but there is always room for improvement and in this regard, I put forward suggestions; which are mostly ignored. If you don't like a suggestion then please say it's rubbish. Most folk wish to have a feedback and I am one of them.

Best wishes.....Ron.
We looked at your suggestions Ron, but frankly thought the leopard print wallpaper and crystal chandeliers were a bit OTT, so threw them in the bin- sorry.

We did however quite like the framed velvet Elvis mirror though, expect that one to be cropping up on AB towers at some point. So keep 'em coming, oh and a heads up, please desist with your suggestions of vestal virgins draped around the place, its un-nerving and quite frankly scaring off the tea ladies.

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