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Badges Updated: Part 2

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AB Editor | 12:45 Wed 03rd Oct 2012 | Editor's Blog
51 Answers
Previously we've had problems with certain badge pages crashing browsers, like this one:

Well, we've fixed that!

It's safe to rummage in your badge pockets now!

We're still working on other issues.


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Can I have a Blue Peter one?
12:46 Wed 03rd Oct 2012
I only have 2, I never got picked at school either :-(
Do we get a badge for most badges?
or for a 100 poems - which I probably have qualified for!
dragging my heels here somewhat, mamy well done, cough cough..
How I got my Nerd one I may never know lol
Me neither mamya................
i would like to be a nerd, pretty please.
is there a short @rse badge.
Does reaching 500 best answers rate a badge?
seriously separate out best answers on crosswords and best answers elsewhere (harder to achieve on the latter).
Yes danny, a "time to swicth the computer off" badge :-)
Looking forward to that one

"is there a short @rse badge."

Is there a moderator who suspends just for fun badge?
I thought Tony had a fat arse.
It's all lies I tell ya.
Ooooh, I have two more badgers!!!!
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"Does reaching 500 best answers rate a badge?"

Not yet. In the next batch: yep!
Hey lofty has two more badgers, so how many badgers did she own before ?
Just an extract from a previous posting of mine:=

I have three, and, although I have been a critic of the awards being issued, I am now falling into the system as being a good bit of fun. However, I would wish ABers to know how I have been awarded my honours.:-

DEBATER... A chap with a lot to say, but often it is complete nonsense.

QUICK DRAW....Regularly shoots from the hip and, occasionally, hits the target. Although often shoots himself in the foot

NERD...Sure is; but not in the Technical sense. The guy's a halfwit.


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